Bevordering bodemgezondheid in bollen, bomen en bloemen (BO-31.03-001-012, BO-12.03-002-026)

  • van Os, Gera (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Sustainable measures for improvement of soil health in sandy soil

Soilborne diseases are a serious threat in the cultivation of horticultural crops on dune sand. Since measures against these diseases do not result in sufficient control or result in a high input of pesticides,  Applied Plant Research investigates the efficacy of sustainable measurements to control these diseases. A four-year field experiment is being performed on a commercial field with a natural infestation of the root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans). Several soil treatments are tested, with direct effects on reduction of the nematode infestation as well as long term effects on the natural disease suppression in the soil. Every year, the nematode population and crop growth are monitored. In the final year, also the disease suppression is measured against the root knot nematode (Meloïdogyne hapla) and Pythium root rot. The results will contribute to a strategy for sustainable soil management for horticulture on dune sand.

Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/14


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