BESAFE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for our future Environment

    Project: EU research project

    Project Details


    In order to protect biodiversity, policy makers increasingly require demonstration of its value. BESAFE will use case studies to investigate how much importance people attribute to alternative arguments for the protection of biodiversity and in particular how this relates to ecosystem services. It will focus on the arguments used at different governance levels and in different ecological, socio-economic, spatial and temporal contexts. BESAFE will examine the interactions of environmental protection policies between governance scales. This will lead to an assessment of the transferability of arguments across scales. The Project will consider the contribution that valuing ecosystem services can make in demonstrating the value of biodiversity. The results will be used to produce a framework that will give guidance on the effectiveness of alternative arguments and protection strategies in various contexts. The framework will be made accessible through a web-based public access database with associated toolkit. To ensure practical usability, the toolkit and database interface will be developed in cooperation with stakeholders.
    Effective start/end date1/09/1131/08/15


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