Beleid in EU lidstaten voor ecosysteemdiensten (WOT-04-010-036.38, WOT-04-010-036.22, WOT-04-010-036.04)

  • Verburg, Rene (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Conservation of ecosystem services is an important policy goal of the Dutch government. The EU has developed a biodiversity strategy in which these ecosystem services have gained an important aspect. This strategy will become oblibatory for EU countries on the long run. Therefore national governments should put the conservation of ecosystem services in national policy development. This project aimes at two aspects: first the gain insight in the national policy developments in different EU states (2012) and second a study on the practical implementation in areas in a selected number of states. Knowledge on the policy implementation can help the Dutch governement to adjust and improve policy development

Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/14


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