B4F Genome wide breeding (KB-17-003.02-006)

Project: LNV project

Conference paper

Search results

  • 2013

    1000 Bull Genomes - Toward genomic Selectionf from whole genome sequence Data in Dairy and Beef Cattle

    Hayes, B., Daetwyler, H. D., Fries, R., Guldbrandtsen, B., Mogens Sando Lund, M., Didier A. Boichard, D. A., Stothard, P., Veerkamp, R. F., Hulsegge, B., Rocha, D., Tassell, C., Mullaart, E., Gredler, B., Druet, T., Bagnato, A., Goddard, M. E. & Chamberlain, H. L., 2013.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademic

  • 2012

    1000 Bull Genomes Consortium Project

    Hayes, B. J., Fries, R., Lund, M. S., Boichard, D. A., Stothard, P., Veerkamp, R. F., Tassell, C., Anderson, C. L., Hulsegge, B., Guldbrandtsen, B., Rocha, D., Hinirichs, D., Bagnato, A., Georges, M., Spelman, R. J., Reecy, J. M., Archibald, A. L., Goddard, M. E. & Gredler, B., 2012, Plant and Animal Genome XX Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 14-18 January 2012. W139

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperProfessional

  • Composition of genetic covariance between traits using high density SNP information, a quantative perspective

    Veerkamp, R. F. & Calus, M. P. L., 2012, Book of abstracts 4th International Conference of Quantative Genetics, Edingburgh, 17-22 June 2012. Edingburgh, p. 183-183

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic

  • 2011

    Exploiting genomic selection in breeding for fertility

    Berry, D. P., Calus, M. P. L., Coffey, M. P., Strandberg, E. & Veerkamp, R. F., 2011, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), Antalya, Turkey,15–17 September 2011. Vol. 46. p. 70-71

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic