Afronding opschaling in internationale productketens (WOT-04-011-036.80, WOT-04-010-036.55)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


This report identifies sustainability initiatives Dutch-based companies in the cocoa, coffee and soy value chains use, and analyses the underlying motives of businesses to engage (or not) in more sustainable business activities. Major motives are NGO (and CSO) push, Dutch government stimulation (2010 letter of intend), corporate philosophy to use sustainibility as a a branding and marketing tool, cross commodity learning experiences and the push of certifiction organisations. Companies choose not to engage in sustainability initiatives because of high costs, uncertain level of return and lack of urgency felt. The report contains a range of instruments that could help to further increase chain sustainability, and adds a number of government recomemndations that could help further stimulate the transition towards sustainable production and consumption of sustainably produced products.  

Effective start/end date1/01/1531/12/16


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