AF16091 Snelle on-site screening op authenticiteit van oliën, vetten en afgeleide producten voor food en feed (BO-64-001-005, BO-46-002-023, BO-33.04-002-016)

  • Weesepoel, Yannick (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Food fraud cases follow each other at a rapid pace and often come from an unexpected angle. Certainly in the sector of food and feed oils, fats, and derived products, there are countless low-value additives for the extension of products, so that the risk of fraud is high. This puts food safety at risk because contamination with harmful components can also occur (unintentionally). Current analysis methods for detecting fraud in oils, fats, and derived products are expensive laboratory equipment that specifically looks at one specific low-value additive. As a result, new fraud cases often go unnoticed for too long. There is therefore a need for universal low-cost, fast screening methods that can determine the authenticity of an oil, fat or derived product independently of the blended component.

Effective start/end date1/01/171/04/21