Add Q1 Farming Systems Approach Myanmar (BO-20-007-442)

  • Wijnands, Frank (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In Myanmar agriculture is rapidly developing and transforming. Many international organisations and governments are providing support for the development of Myanmar agriculture. The focus of most of the efforts is on connecting smallholders to markets through value chain programmes. This value chain development (VCD) seems to be at the heart of the current strategies of donors. This connection is an important first step in better connection of farmers to markets and thereby  generate additional income for smallholders.  In Myanmar we estimate that there are some 10 value chains, almost all single product oriented in development by at least 10 different donors.

This proposal aims at identifying and addressing the key actions and options to be used to help anchoring the current value chain driven approach in a more sustainable, robust, ecologically sound and economically viable production system on the farms and at farm level. This project pilots this approach for the Southern Shan state. Other target area’s for future work are the Ayeyarwady Delta and the central dry zone.

Effective start/end date1/01/1631/12/17


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