Projects per year
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Decision support system for designing transition pathways towards circular hospitals
Yang, Y. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Shariat Torbaghan, S. (Co-promotor)
1/09/24 → …
Project: PhD
PhD in Multi-scale Water Quality Modeling for Climate Resilient Wastewater Management
Schilstra, M. (PhD candidate), Strokal, M. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Wang, M. (Co-promotor)
15/05/24 → …
Project: PhD
Driving Mechanism and Policy Simulation of Urban Residents’ Waste Separation Behaviour in a Low-carbon Perspective
Hong, Q. (PhD candidate), Alpizar Rodriguez, F. (Promotor), Abatayo, A. (Co-promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
2/01/24 → …
Project: PhD
Recirculate urban food waste into agriculture
Schrik, Y. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & van den Broek, W. (Co-promotor)
1/12/23 → …
Project: PhD
Evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of waste management stakeholders in each stage of the waste management cycle
Carbonel, D. (PhD candidate), Weikard, H.-P. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Haldar, K. (Co-promotor)
1/10/23 → …
Project: PhD
Planning NBS for Integrated Urban Water Management
Assefa, L. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Alves Beloqui, A. (Other)
1/06/23 → …
Project: PhD
RainOasis – A Planning Support System: Planning Nature-based Rainwater Harvesting for sustaining Urban Green
de Vos, J. (EngD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Alves Beloqui, A. (Co-promotor)
14/01/23 → 14/06/25
Project: EngD
Coherent seasonal heat storage management to avoid electrical grid overload
de Klerk, A. (PhD candidate), Buisman, C. (Promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
25/10/22 → …
Project: PhD
SUR-PLAS-path: co-create sustainable & renewable plastic transition pathways with stakeholders via developing and applying a novel transition design and multi-impact assessment tool
van Lith, Y. (PhD candidate), Buisman, C. (Promotor), Strik, D. (Co-promotor), Thoden van Velzen, U. (Co-promotor), van Leeuwen, J. (Co-promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Other)
1/09/22 → …
Project: PhD
Valorisation of wood waste to alternative protein via (fungal) bioconversion
Li, A. (PhD candidate), Buisman, C. (Promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
1/09/21 → …
Project: PhD
upcycling food wate in low-income and developing areas: Technological option and Economic feasibility
Abdul-Rahman, H. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Weikard, H.-P. (Promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
4/04/21 → …
Project: PhD
Stormwater Management and Optimization Focusing on the Damages and Alerts to the Urban Area
Zhang, H. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
4/01/21 → …
Project: PhD
Assessing the integrating of thermochemical and biological processes for low grade, mixed organic and plastic waste resource recovery
Lu, J. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Strik, D. (Co-promotor)
4/01/21 → …
Project: PhD
GreenFood 5.0: Evaluating and innovating Green Food system using smart sustainability assessment and novel circular biotechnology
Wei, Y. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
1/09/20 → …
Project: PhD
Circular and evidence-based management of Urban organic Residues to restore Ecosystem services of agricultural soils (CURESOIL)
Liu, J. (PhD candidate), Buisman, C. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & van Eekert, M. (Co-promotor)
15/09/18 → …
Project: PhD
Closing Water, Energy, and Material Cycles in the Urban and Peri-urban Environment
Rijnaarts, H. (PI), Kujawa, K. (CoI), van Eekert, M. (CoI), Weijma, J. (CoI), Cappon, H. (CoI) & Chen, W.-S. (PI)
1/09/09 → 1/01/28
Project: Staff
Bioelectrochemcial system for mitigating sewer gas formation and sewer pipe corrosion
Sun, Y. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), ter Heijne, A. (Promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
2/09/19 → 19/04/24
Project: PhD
New Energy and Resource from Urban Sanitation (NEREUS)
van Schaik, M. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Cappon, H. (Co-promotor) & Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor)
1/01/18 → 12/10/22
Project: PhD
Heat production from biological wood oxidation
Fan, S. (PhD candidate), Buisman, C. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & ter Heijne, A. (Co-promotor)
1/02/17 → 29/06/21
Project: PhD
Comprehensive desalination: Opportunities and considerations for the (re)use of brackish water
Wreyford, J. (PhD candidate), Rijnaarts, H. (Promotor), Chen, W.-S. (Co-promotor) & Dykstra, J. (Co-promotor)
1/06/16 → 2/02/22
Project: PhD
Fuel the Future: Medium chain length fatty acids, sustainable building block from organic waste
Chen, W.-S. (PhD candidate), Buisman, C. (Promotor), Kroeze, C. (Promotor) & Strik, D. (Co-promotor)
24/09/12 → 21/06/17
Project: PhD
Technology and concept integration for improved resource cycles
Rijnaarts, H. (PI), van Eekert, M. (CoI), Weijma, J. (CoI), Cappon, H. (CoI) & Chen, W.-S. (CoI)
1/07/10 → 2/01/17
Project: PostDoc
Cleaner Production and Sustainable Material Chains
Rijnaarts, H. (PI), Chen, W.-S. (CoI), van Eekert, M. (CoI) & Weijma, J. (CoI)
1/01/05 → 1/01/23
Project: Staff