Projects per year
Search results
Breaking the Urban Plastic Flood Nexus with opportunistic sensing
Pinto, R., Uijlenhoet, R., van der Ploeg, M. & van Emmerik, T.
11/01/21 → …
Project: PhD
The role of vegetation in macroplastic transport in rivers
Schreyers, L., Uijlenhoet, R. & van der Ploeg, M.
1/12/20 → …
Project: PhD
Nowcasting of rainfall in the Tropics - An End-to-End Approach Scrutinising the Radar Data Processing Chain
Becker, E., Uijlenhoet, R. & Leijnse, H.
1/03/20 → …
Project: PhD
Deepening our understanding of shallow precipitation observations from space
Bogerd, L., Uijlenhoet, R., Leijnse, H. & Overeem, A.
1/12/19 → …
Project: PhD
Improving operational flood forecasting with radar rainfall nowcasting
Imhoff, R., Uijlenhoet, R., Weerts, A. H. & Brauer, C.
3/11/18 → 1/11/22
Project: PhD
Daily streamflow prediction with reservoir operation
Wannasin, M., Uijlenhoet, R., Weerts, A. H. & Brauer, C.
4/09/17 → 21/02/23
Project: PhD
SWM-EVAP: Smart Water Management in a complex environment: improving the monitoring and forecasting of surface EVAPoration
Jansen, F., Teuling, R. & Uijlenhoet, R.
14/08/17 → 7/06/23
Project: PhD
Toward robust and flexible drinking water systems by decision support under uncertainties
van Engelenburg, J., Hellegers, P., Uijlenhoet, R., Teuling, R. & van Slobbe, E.
1/01/16 → 1/07/20
Project: PhD
Improving prediction and forecasting of hydrologic extremes in the Rhine (and Meuse) basin
van Osnabrugge, B., Uijlenhoet, R. & Weerts, A. H.
12/10/15 → 12/05/20
Project: PhD
Quality analysis and use optimisation of traditional and crowdsourced rainfall and air temperature data in urban environments
de Vos, L., Uijlenhoet, R., Leijnse, H. & Overeem, A.
1/07/15 → 6/12/19
Project: PhD
Hydrology of longitudinal training dams
de Ruijsscher, T., Hoitink, T., Uijlenhoet, R., Naqshband, S. & Vermeulen, B.
1/03/15 → 6/11/20
Project: PhD
Rainfall monitoring using microwave links
van Leth, T., Uijlenhoet, R., Leijnse, H. & Overeem, A.
1/01/15 → 26/08/19
Project: PhD
Hydrological functioning of regional river systems
Geertsema, T., Hoitink, T., Uijlenhoet, R. & Teuling, R.
1/09/14 → 20/12/19
Project: PhD
Detection of the onset/cessation of hydrological connectivity in the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum via Thermal IR imagery and terrestrial diatom tracing
Antonelli, M., Teuling, R. & Uijlenhoet, R.
16/06/14 → 25/05/20
Project: PhD
Assessing validation methods for surface current measurements with HF radars
Sassi, M. & Uijlenhoet, R.
1/11/13 → 1/02/14
Project: PostDoc
Hydrological drought in the Kapuas river basin (West Kalimantan): understanding the role of subsurface water
Taufik, M., Uijlenhoet, R. & van Lanen, H.
1/07/13 → 31/10/17
Project: PhD
Anticipating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission : sampling uncertainties and ground validation in The Netherlands (GPM_NL)
Rios Gaona, M., Uijlenhoet, R., Leijnse, H. & Overeem, A.
8/05/13 → 20/06/17
Project: PhD
Multi-scale modelling and monitoring of the Kapuas surface water land-sea continuum
Kastner, K., Hoitink, T. & Uijlenhoet, R.
1/04/13 → 1/05/19
Project: PhD
High resolution X-band weather radar for application in Urban hydrometeorology
Sassi, M. & Uijlenhoet, R.
1/03/13 → 1/09/13
Project: PostDoc
Hydrological drought across Europe: processes and impacts
van Lanen, H., Uijlenhoet, R. & van Loon, A.
15/12/12 → 30/09/14
Project: PostDoc
Research and development of the LAPSUS Landscape Process Modelling Framework.
Veldkamp, T., Schoorl, J., Uijlenhoet, R., Temme, A. & Claessens, L.
1/01/10 → 31/12/16
Project: Staff
Improving Operational Flood Forecasting through Data Assimilation
Rakovec, O., Uijlenhoet, R. & Weerts, A. H.
1/11/09 → 25/04/14
Project: PhD
Morphological and ecological aspects of stream restoration
Eekhout, J., Uijlenhoet, R., Verdonschot, P. & Hoitink, T.
1/05/09 → 9/05/14
Project: PhD
Space-time development of hydrological drought at the global and regional scale
van Huijgevoort, M., Uijlenhoet, R. & van Lanen, H.
1/05/09 → 23/05/14
Project: PhD
Parametric models for hydrological processes in catchments
Brauer, C., Uijlenhoet, R. & Teuling, R.
1/04/08 → 11/04/14
Project: PhD
Hydraulic interaction between rivers, lakes and aquifers in the central and lower Mahakam catchment
Hidayat, H., Uijlenhoet, R. & Hoitink, T.
1/10/07 → 23/10/13
Project: PhD
Discharge regimes, morphometry and tides in the Mahakam delta channel network
Sassi, M., Uijlenhoet, R. & Hoitink, T.
1/10/07 → 11/02/13
Project: PhD
Water and sediment distribution at lowland river junctions: the Mahakam Lakes region
Vermeulen, B., Uijlenhoet, R. & Hoitink, T.
17/09/07 → 8/12/14
Project: PhD
Hydro-meteorological and surface-runoff analysis of rainfall during flashfloods
Hazenberg, P., Uijlenhoet, R. & Leijnse, H.
1/09/07 → 24/06/13
Project: PhD
Towards a generic model for the propagation of drought through the terrestrial part of the hydrological cycle
van Loon, A., Uijlenhoet, R. & van Lanen, H.
1/09/07 → 26/04/13
Project: PhD
The dual-frequency microwave link: Potential for estimating path-average precipitation and evaporation fluxes using a single instrument
Uijlenhoet, R. & Leijnse, H.
1/07/07 → 30/06/10
Project: PostDoc
Catchment-water residence time: understanding the relation between landscape organization and runoff characteristics
Uijlenhoet, R. & Bogaart, P.
1/06/05 → 31/12/08
Project: PostDoc
Characterising the space-time variability of rainfall across a range of scales using state-of-the-art ground based weather radars operating at complementary resolutions
van de Beek, R., Uijlenhoet, R. & Leijnse, H.
1/09/04 → 12/06/13
Project: PhD