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EU24034 NID4OCEAN Nature-inclusive Designs For Reconciling Offshore Renewables With Ocean Protection (KB-50-009-007)
1/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: LVVN project
EU-24034 NID4OCEAN Nature-inclusive Designs For Reconciling Offshore Renewables With Ocean Protection (KB-50-008-013)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: LVVN project
LWV20230 Kosten en Biodiversiteit Natuurinclsieve Energie (KOBINE) (BO-65-001-001)
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: LVVN project
Actualisatie soortenlijst Noordzee (BO-43-116.01-013, BO-43-023.03-006)
1/01/19 → 31/12/24
Project: LVVN project
Kaderrichtlijn Marien/OSPAR (BO-43-116.02-001, BO-43-021.02-002, BO-11-018.02-033, BO-11-011.04-033)
1/01/14 → 31/12/24
Project: LVVN project
Art 11 GVB beschermde gebieden (BO-43-116.01-005, BO-43-021.02-026)
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: LVVN project
Coördinatie thema Ecologische basiskwaliteit Water (BO-43-021.02-000)
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: LVVN project
KD-2018-078_Rifbouwende soorten in de Nederlandse Noordzee (BO-43-021.02-013)
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: LVVN project
KD-2018-040_Rapportage implementatie OSPAR aanbevelingen (BO-43-021.02-011)
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: LVVN project
Concretisering acties Implementatie POSH OSPAR (BO-43-021.02-030, BO-11-018.02-071)
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: LVVN project
Gebiedsagenda Noordzee: bouwen met natuur (NAPRO) (BO-11-012-041)
1/01/14 → 31/12/15
Project: LVVN project
Biodiversiteit van harde substraten in de Nederlandse Noordzee (KB-14-005-029)
8/03/12 → 31/12/14
Project: LVVN project
Overige gebieden in het kader van GMT-element biologische diversiteit (BO-11-007-012)
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: LVVN project