Projects per year
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SmartResilience: towards a sustainable, future-oriented pig production system that supports and predicts resilience and welfare in pigs
van der Zande, L., Bolhuis, L. & Rodenburg, B.
1/06/18 → 4/10/22
Project: PhD
Nesting behaviour of broilers breeders
van den Oever, A., Kemp, B., Rodenburg, B. & Bolhuis, L.
1/01/17 → 1/06/21
Project: PhD
Stimulating early foraging in piglets to accelerate their development and improve their performance around weaning
Choudhury, R., Kleerebezem, M. & Bolhuis, L.
6/01/16 → 5/01/21
Project: PhD
Stimulating early foraging in piglets to accelerate their
Middelkoop, A., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, L. & Kleerebezem, M.
1/01/16 → 9/10/20
Project: PhD
Effects of environmental enrichment in piglets; interaction between behaviour
Luo, L., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, L. & Parmentier, H.
1/09/15 → 24/04/20
Project: PhD
Robustness of piglets born in a group lactation system
van Nieuwamerongen-de Koning, S., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, L. & Soede, N.
1/01/14 → 19/05/17
Project: PhD
Resilience in production animals
van Dixhoorn, I., Bolhuis, L., Rebel, A., van Mourik, S. & van Reenen, K.
1/03/11 → 2/02/24
Project: PhD
Identification of biological characteristics that predict (mal)adaptation in pigs
Ursinus, N., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, L. & van Reenen, K.
1/02/10 → 3/10/14
Project: PhD
Validating the principles of preventing feather pecking in practice
de Haas, E., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, L. & Rodenburg, B.
1/01/10 → 29/08/14
Project: PhD
(deelproject van: Seeking sociable swine?)
Camerlink, I., Kemp, B., van Arendonk, J., Bijma, P. & Bolhuis, L.
1/11/09 → 2/07/14
Project: PhD
Fermentation prolongs satiety
Souza da Silva, C., Kemp, B., Bolhuis, L. & Gerrits, W.
1/01/09 → 30/08/13
Project: PhD