Projects per year
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Assessing the hazards of oral exposure to micro and nanoplastics using human stem cell derived intestinal in vitro models
Makarim, R. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Busch, M. (Co-promotor)
25/04/24 → …
Project: PhD
Assessing in vitro distribution kinetics for the EU H2020 ONTOX project.
Adam, S. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Duarte Lopes Mascarenhas Proenca, S. (Co-promotor) & Kramer, N. (Co-promotor)
1/10/23 → …
Project: PhD
Valuing Testing: Valuing animal free testing in chemical safety assessments
van Slobbe, G. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Govers, C. (Co-promotor)
15/05/23 → …
Project: PhD
Hazard assessment of advanced nanomaterials
Meuwissen, T. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Busch, M. (Co-promotor)
1/01/23 → …
Project: PhD
chemical risk assessment (PARC)
Pachoulide, C. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Kramer, N. (Co-promotor)
1/10/22 → …
Project: PhD
Walraven, T. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Busch, M. (Co-promotor) & Kramer, N. (Co-promotor)
1/10/22 → …
Project: PhD
Generation of tissue-resident macrophages and dendritic cells
O'Brien, D. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Govers, C. (Co-promotor) & Hoppenbrouwers, T. (Co-promotor)
15/09/22 → …
Project: PhD
Lymph on chip
Aalderink, G. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Govers, C. (Co-promotor) & Hoppenbrouwers, T. (Co-promotor)
1/05/22 → …
Project: PhD
The integration of in vitro cell-based and computational approaches to improve the toxicological risk assessment of chemicals
Romano Olmedo, K. (PhD candidate), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & Kramer, N. (Co-promotor)
1/05/22 → …
Project: PhD
Virtual Human 4 Safety: The integration of cell-based and computational approaches to improve the toxicological risk assessment of chemicals.
Moerenhout, T. (PhD candidate), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & Rietjens, I. (Other)
1/10/21 → …
Project: PhD
Brouwer, H. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Rietjens, I. (Promotor) & Busch, M. (Co-promotor)
1/04/21 → …
Project: PhD
Evaluating Integrated Flow System of Advanced Cell Models in Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA)
Nitsche, K. (PhD candidate), Carmichael, P. (Promotor) & Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor)
18/01/21 → …
Project: PhD
Use of in vitro and in silico approaches for detection of neurotoxicity in risk assessment of contaminants in food for both the Caucasian and Chinese population
Chen, J. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Rietjens, I. (Promotor) & Kramer, N. (Co-promotor)
5/11/20 → 11/11/24
Project: PhD
The effect of food-borne mycotoxins on local (meta) inflammation and epigenetics in the human intestine
Wang, J. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Rietjens, I. (Promotor)
1/11/19 → 1/11/23
Project: PhD
Study the effect plant toxins on local (meta) inflammation of the human intestine using an immune competent gut-on-a-chip
Ren, Q. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Rietjens, I. (Promotor)
1/11/19 → 9/09/24
Project: PhD
Effect of exposure to xenobiotics on intestinal bile acid metabolism and its consequences along the intestine-liver-axis
de Bruijn, V. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor) & Rietjens, I. (Promotor)
1/09/19 → 9/01/24
Project: PhD
Just Editing: A Comparative Responsible Innovation Approach to Animal Genome Editing
Macnaghten, P. (Project Leader), Middelveld, S. (PI), Kramer, K. (PI), Meijboom, F. (CoI), Mulder, H. (CoI) & Bouwmeester, H. (CoI)
1/09/18 → 30/04/21
Project: PostDoc
Unravelling the functional dynamics between the human gut microbiome and intestinal inflammatory responses.
Grouls, M. (PhD candidate), Bouwmeester, H. (Promotor), Rietjens, I. (Promotor) & van der Zande, M. (Co-promotor)
1/07/17 → 9/05/23
Project: PhD
A novel method for predicting human cariotoxicity without animal testing.
Shi, M. (PhD candidate), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & Strikwold, M. (Co-promotor)
1/03/17 → 15/09/21
Project: PhD
High-end Analytical detection coupled to a Gut-on-a-Chip (GUTTEST).
Santbergen, M. (PhD candidate), Nielen, M. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & van der Zande, M. (Co-promotor)
1/01/16 → 17/11/20
Project: PhD
A microfluidic GUT-on-a-chip-model for toxicity screening.
Kulthong, K. (PhD candidate), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & van der Zande, M. (Co-promotor)
19/10/15 → 7/12/20
Project: PhD
A novel approach for the prediction of nanoparticle uptake to improve safety evaluations of nanoparticles used in food production and preservation.
Abdelkhaliq, A. (PhD candidate), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & van der Zande, M. (Co-promotor)
1/08/15 → 9/06/20
Project: PhD
In-vivo studies met zilver nanodeeltjes (BO-08-011.02-026)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/12 → 31/12/12
Project: LVVN project
In vitro studies nanodeeltjes (BO-08-011.02-021)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
30/05/11 → 31/12/11
Project: LVVN project
Programmastudie risicoperceptie nanotechnologie (BO-08-011.02-020)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
30/05/11 → 31/12/11
Project: LVVN project
Implementing and (pre) validation of combined existing in vitro assays for the hazard identification of chemicals following oral exposure.
Walczak, A. (PhD candidate), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Bouwmeester, H. (Co-promotor) & Hendriksen, P. (Co-promotor)
15/05/10 → 5/01/15
Project: PhD
Programmeringsstudie risico's nanotechnologie (BO-08-011.02-020)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: LVVN project
VWA BuR Helpdesk (WOT-02-006-010)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/09 → 31/12/09
Project: LVVN project
Programmeringsstudie onderzoek risico's nanotechnologie in voedselketens (BO-08-002-020)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/09 → 31/12/09
Project: LVVN project
Kinetiek en effecten van nanozilver-dierstudies (BO-08-011.02-019, BO-08-002-019)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/09 → 31/12/11
Project: LVVN project
Nano-technologie (KB-06-003-012, KB-06-002-011)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/09 → 31/12/10
Project: LVVN project
Onderzoek naar keten (WOT-02-006-013)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/07/08 → 31/12/08
Project: LVVN project
Nieuwe risico's internat voedselketen (WOT-02-006-012)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/08 → 31/12/08
Project: LVVN project
Harmonisatie/normalisatie van methoden dierbehandelings-middelen onderzoek (WOT-02-006-001)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/08 → 31/12/09
Project: LVVN project
Coordinatie thema 6 (WOT-02-006-008)
Bouwmeester, H. (Project Leader)
1/01/08 → 31/12/14
Project: LVVN project