Projects per year
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Effects of Blue-Green Infrastructures on carbon sequestration and the supply of other ecosystem services in Delta cities
Yu, M. (PhD candidate), Bakker, M. (Promotor), Carsjens, G.-J. (Co-promotor) & Orsi, F. (Co-promotor)
1/11/23 → …
Project: PhD
Adaptation and Resilience in Food and Farmers Markets: The Perspective and Role of the Municipality
Edmonds, A. (PhD candidate), Bakker, M. (Promotor) & Carsjens, G.-J. (Co-promotor)
16/07/20 → …
Project: PhD
Cropland intensification as an alternative to mitigate land use conflict: trade-offs and policy implications
Chen, H. (PhD candidate), Bakker, M. (Promotor) & Carsjens, G.-J. (Co-promotor)
1/02/20 → …
Project: PhD
How to communicate urban climate adaptation
Vujic, I. (PhD candidate), Lenzholzer, S. (Promotor) & Carsjens, G.-J. (Other)
1/10/19 → …
Project: PhD
Cultural ecosystem services of Chinese coastal landscapes and their vulnerability to global change
Dou, Y. (PhD candidate), Bakker, M. (Promotor) & Carsjens, G.-J. (Co-promotor)
16/01/16 → 8/09/20
Project: PhD
Zero emissie van nutriënten en volledig hergebruik van nutriënten uit afval(water) stromen in landbouw en aquacultuur in de Nederlandse Caraïben – een holistische planning ondersteunende tool. Case studie St. Eustatius (Statia)
Firmansyah, I. (PhD candidate), Zeeman, G. (Promotor), Carsjens, G.-J. (Co-promotor) & Spiller, M. (Co-promotor)
4/02/13 → 15/10/21
Project: PhD
ISOMUL - International Studygroup on Multiple Use of Land (initiating, guiding and publishing of studies)
Carsjens, G.-J. (CoI) & van der Valk, A. (PI)
1/01/83 → 31/12/18
Project: Staff