Projects per year
- 50 - 94 out of 94 results
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Assessing the growth potential of farmer-led irrigation development in sub-Saharan Africa
Veldwisch, G. J., Venot, J. & Liebrand, J.
1/01/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Staff
Revitalizing indigenous water harvesting systems to mitigate drought and flood damage- Yemen
Aklan, M. & de Fraiture, C.
1/11/14 → 5/12/22
Project: PhD
PROIRRI – Sustainable Irrigation Development Project’
Bolding, A., Beekman, W. & Veldwisch, G. J.
1/09/14 → 31/08/19
Project: Staff
Strengthening strategic delta planning processes in Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Vietnam and beyond
Hellegers, P. & van Halsema, G.
1/07/14 → 1/07/19
Project: Staff
Strengthening strategic delta planning processes in Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Vietnam and beyond
van Halsema, G. & Hellegers, P.
1/07/14 → 1/07/19
Project: Staff
Value of information for water allocation decisions in irrigated agriculture
Kaune, A. & de Fraiture, C.
1/05/14 → 27/09/19
Project: PhD
Integrated Flood and Drought Mitigation Measures and Strategies Case Study: The Mun River Basin, Thailand
Prabnakorn, S. & de Fraiture, C.
1/05/14 → 22/01/20
Project: PhD
Robust Decision Making Analysis to Assess the Triple Rice Crop Scale in Flood-Affected Areas Upstream of The Mekong Delta-Vietnam in Context Of Uncertainties
Duc Tran, D., Hellegers, P., Ludwig, F. & van Halsema, G.
22/04/14 → 29/11/18
Project: PhD
Assessment of the Groundwater Resources Degradation in the Coastal Plain downstream of Wadi Zabid, Yemen
Al-Qubatee, W., Hellegers, P., Ritzema, H. & van Lanen, H.
6/01/14 → 14/06/21
Project: PhD
Hydropower development in the context of climate change: Exploring conflicts and fostering cooperation across scales and boundaries in the Eastern Himalayas
Joshi, D., Zwarteveen, M. & Liebrand, J.
1/01/14 → 31/12/17
Project: PostDoc
Effect of cohesive sedimentation in irrigation systems
de Fraiture, C. & Theol, S.
15/08/13 → 19/02/20
Project: PhD
Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Irrigation Development: Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia
de Fraiture, C. & Mersha, A.
10/12/12 → 26/08/21
Project: PhD
DRiP: Drip Irrigation Realities in Perspective
Vincent, L., Boesveld, H., Zwarteveen, M., Hoogesteger van Dijk, J., van der Kooij, S., Bossenbroek, L., Wanvoeke, J. & Venot, J.
1/06/12 → 1/06/15
Project: Staff
Flowering Power: Water, Communities and Floriculture Agribusiness in the Andes of Ecuador
Mena Vasconez, P., Boelens, R. & Vos, J.
15/05/12 → 22/04/20
Project: PhD
Risk management for uncertain water supply in spate irrigated agriculture- Case study, Gash Agricultural scheme in eastern Sudan
Bashir, E. & de Fraiture, C.
1/05/12 → 8/01/20
Project: PhD
Rural climate-change adaptation in Bangladesh: strenghening flood resilient communities
Mutahara, M., Wals, A., Warner, J. & Wester, F.
1/03/12 → 30/01/18
Project: PhD
Messica Irrigation Pilot Project
Bolding, A., Beekman, W. & Veldwisch, G. J.
1/01/12 → 1/06/14
Project: Staff
Ecosystem-based flood management strategies in the Dutch, Bangladesh and Vietnamese deltas
van Staveren, M., van Tatenhove, J., Warner, J. & Wester, F.
1/01/12 → 8/11/17
Project: PhD
Multiple scales of water battles: agribusiness water accumulation processes, Corporate Social Responsibility, national governance and farmers’ dynamics
Boelens, R. & Yacoub Lopez, C.
15/09/11 → 14/09/15
Project: PostDoc
Drip irrigation in Morocco: an element of gendered agrarian change?
Bossenbroek, L., Zwarteveen, M. & van der Ploeg, J.
1/09/11 → 20/09/16
Project: PhD
Understanding the different identities of the low cost drip irrigation technology in Burkina Faso
Wanvoeke, J., Zwarteveen, M., de Fraiture, C. & Venot, J.
1/06/11 → 16/12/15
Project: PhD
Drip irrigation in Morocco from a users perspective
van der Kooij, S., Zwarteveen, M. & de Fraiture, C.
14/02/11 → 31/05/16
Project: PhD
Role of Reservoir Operation in Sustainable Water Supply to Subak Irrigation Schemes Case Study of Yeh Ho River Basin
Yekti, M. I.
1/02/11 → 1/06/17
Project: PhD
Crop water productivity of sunflower under different irrigation regimes at Gezira conditions
1/01/11 → 8/10/15
Project: PhD
Sediment and water management in large irrigation systems. Case study: Gezira Scheme
3/05/10 → 3/09/15
Project: PhD
Sustainable use of land and water under rainfed and deficit irrigation in Ogun-Osun river basin, Nigeria
1/04/10 → 28/05/15
Project: PhD
Hydraulic and operational performance of irrigation systems in view of water saving and systainability
22/02/10 → 22/01/15
Project: PhD
Modernization strategy for national irrigation system in the Philippines: linking design, operation and water supply
Delos Reyes, M. L. F.
1/01/10 → 6/04/17
Project: PhD
Power, peasant livelihoods and payment for watershed environmental services (PWES) in the Andes
Rodriguez de Francisco, J., Vincent, L. & Boelens, R.
1/09/09 → 16/12/13
Project: PhD
Optimization of Agricultural Water Productivity in Water Scarce Semi-arid region of Ethiopia
16/07/09 → 22/01/15
Project: PhD
Contesting water territories: Social movements and collective action to defend water rights in the Ecuadorian Andes
Hoogesteger van Dijk, J., Vincent, L. & Boelens, R.
15/07/08 → 27/08/13
Project: PhD
Genders of scale and scales of gender
Liebrand, J., Vincent, L., Zwarteveen, M. & van der Burg, M.
15/05/08 → 10/12/14
Project: PhD
Securing water rights and livelihoods: The challenges of supra- community networks in Peru
Verzijl, M. A., Boelens, R., Zwarteveen, M. & Rap, E.
1/03/08 → 28/08/20
Project: PhD
Mines or minorities? Social mobilization against mining companies in Peru
Sosa Landeo, G. M., Boelens, R. & Zwarteveen, M.
1/03/08 → 25/10/17
Project: PhD
The dynamics of water resources development and water security in the Pucara watershed, Bolivia
Rocha Lopez, R., Boelens, R., Rap, E. & Vos, J.
1/03/08 → 26/08/20
Project: PhD
Strategic use of discourses and identities for protecting water security in Peru
Vera Delgado, J. & Vincent, L.
1/03/05 → 23/12/11
Project: PhD
The role of irrigation interventions in endogenous development in the Andean Region of Bolivia
del Callejo, I., Boelens, R., van der Ploeg, J. & Hoogesteger van Dijk, J.
29/04/04 → 3/09/19
Project: PhD
Gendered participation in water management in Nepal: discourses, policies and practices
Vincent, L. & Zwarteveen, M.
1/02/04 → 9/12/14
Project: PhD
An improved approach for the design and management of irrigation canal
1/01/04 → 17/11/10
Project: PhD
Role of sediment transport in operation and maintenance of supply and demand based irrigation canals
1/09/99 → 24/02/11
Project: PhD