- 20 results
Search results
Marco Campos Magaña, MSc
- Bio Process Engineering - External employee, PhD candidate
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - PhD candidate
- VLAG - PhD candidate
Person: Other, PhD-student
Efsun Duman, MSc
- VLAG - PhD candidate
- Bio Process Engineering - PhD candidate
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - PhD candidate
Person: PhD-student
Sam Hoogaars, MSc
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - PhD candidate
- VLAG - PhD candidate
Person: PhD-student
Changlin Ke, MSc
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - PhD candidate
- VLAG - PhD candidate
Person: PhD-student
Mike Loomans, MSc
- VLAG - PhD candidate
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - PhD candidate
Person: PhD-student
Frank Pieterse, MSc
- Laboratory of Phytopathology - PhD candidate
- EPS - PhD candidate
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - PhD candidate
Person: PhD-student
Silvia Rodriguez Marcos, MSc
- Systems and Synthetic Biology - Education/Research Officer
Person: Technical