Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 160 results
Search results
Microbial networks as biocatalysts for anaerobic syngas conversion
Diender, M., Stams, F. & Machado de Sousa, D.
1/10/14 → 8/02/19
Project: PhD
Isolation, identification and characterization of sponge-associated microbes producing novel antibiotics
Indraningrat, A., Smidt, H., Becking, L. & Sipkema, D.
22/09/14 → 29/05/19
Project: PhD
Anaerobic microorganisms in the human intestine
Shetty, S., Smidt, H. & de Vos, W.
1/08/14 → 20/03/19
Project: PhD
Design and properties of the complex microbial communities derived from wildlife, domestic animals and human
Umanetc, A. & Smidt, H.
14/07/14 → 17/10/19
Project: PhD
Sulfur metabolism in the human gut microbiota
Feng, Y., Stams, F., de Vos, W. & Sanchez Andrea, I.
1/06/14 → 20/03/24
Project: PhD
Microbial Host-virus interaction in human GI tract
Zhu, Y., de Vos, W., van der Oost, J. & Staals, R.
1/04/14 → 3/05/19
Project: PhD
Novel Anaerobes
Strepis, N., Stams, F., Machado de Sousa, D. & Schaap, P.
17/03/14 → 16/01/19
Project: PhD
Unravelling details of microbial transformation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans
Peng, P., Smidt, H. & Atashgahi, S.
24/02/14 → 6/09/19
Project: PhD
Co-Cultivation of Sponge Cells and Microorganisms
Gutleben, J., Smidt, H., Wijffels, R. & Sipkema, D.
1/02/14 → 21/11/19
Project: PhD
How invaders suppress CRISPR-mediated immunity
Vlot, M., van der Oost, J. & Brouns, S.
1/02/14 → 29/08/18
Project: PhD
The effect of the nutrient matrix on biofilm formation in membrane filtration units
de Vries, R., Stams, F. & Plugge, C.
15/01/14 → 11/03/22
Project: PhD
Mucosal syntrophy and early life imprinting.
Chia, L. W., Knol, J. & Belzer, C.
9/12/13 → 20/06/18
Project: PhD
The development of intestinal microbiota in early infancy and its role in allergy
Wopereis, H. J., Knol, J., de Vos, W. & Belzer, C.
1/11/13 → 22/05/19
Project: PhD
Gut microbiomics of dietary carbohydrate metabolism
Borewicz, K. & Smidt, H.
15/10/13 → 13/06/18
Project: PhD
Microbial processing to reduce and control emissions (MICROCONTROL)
van der Waals, M. & Smidt, H.
1/10/13 → 18/10/18
Project: PhD
Fermentative production of acetic acid via ethyl acetate.
Kruis, A., Weusthuis, R., van der Oost, J. & Kengen, S.
15/09/13 → 21/11/18
Project: PhD
Microbes Inside - Fermentation Genomics of Akkermansia muciniphila.
van der Ark, K., de Vos, W. & Belzer, C.
15/08/13 → 22/01/18
Project: PhD
Prokaryotic Arm Race - from exploration to exploitation
Brouns, S., van der Oost, J. & Luzia de Nobrega, F.
15/07/13 → 17/02/17
Project: PhD
Premature birth, microbiota development and health
Zwittink, R., Knol, J. & Belzer, C.
1/05/13 → 11/06/18
Project: PhD
Thermophilic, acidophilic sulfur reduction for improved recovery of precious metals from refractory ores
Flores, H., Stams, F., Sanchez Andrea, I. & Weijma, J.
1/04/13 → 21/03/17
Project: PhD
Microbiota interactive functional networks
Hornung, B., Martins dos Santos, V., Smidt, H. & Schaap, P.
2/01/13 → 1/11/18
Project: PhD
MICRObial processing to reduce and CONTROL emissions (MICROCONTROL)
Heilig, H., Atashgahi, S. & Smidt, H.
1/01/13 → 31/12/16
Project: PostDoc
Lactic acid fermentation of lignicellulose-derived substrates with (hemi)cellulolytic microbes.
Daas, T., van Kranenburg, R. & van der Oost, J.
1/10/12 → 23/06/17
Project: PhD
Functional genomics of organohalide respiring Firmicutes – Exploiting the bioremediation potential of dedicated degraders of chlorinated pollutants
Lu, Y. & Smidt, H.
3/09/12 → 13/09/16
Project: PhD
Memorizing, finding and destroying the enemy: mechanism of an adaptive immune system in prokaryotes
Künne, T., van der Oost, J. & Brouns, S.
3/09/12 → 4/10/17
Project: PhD
Reduced methane emissions of dairy cows
Vaidya, J., Smidt, H. & Plugge, C.
1/09/12 → 15/11/18
Project: PhD
Anaerobic processes for energy conservation and biotransformation of pollutants
da Luz Ferreira Martins Paulo, L., Stams, F. & Machado de Sousa, D.
16/08/12 → 8/05/17
Project: PhD
The Rumen as Bioreactor
Palakawong Na Ayudthaya, S., Stams, F., de Vos, W. & Plugge, C.
1/03/12 → 7/09/18
Project: PhD
Development of a universal HT screenings-method.
Creutzburg, S., van der Oost, J. & Kengen, S.
1/03/12 → 20/11/20
Project: PhD
Antibiotic resistance in the gut microbiome.
Versluis, D., Smidt, H., Sipkema, D. & van Passel, M.
1/02/12 → 21/11/16
Project: PhD
Bleed stream reduction by biological conversion of (thio)sulfate to sulfide
Bastos Sousa, J., Stams, F., Bijmans, M. & Plugge, C.
1/02/12 → 21/04/17
Project: PhD
Enhanced Enzymatic Anaerobic Fermentation of Organic Residues (EnzyFOR)
Azman, S., Stams, F., Zeeman, G. & Plugge, C.
15/09/11 → 14/12/16
Project: PhD
Bio-functionalization of porous alumin oxide for targeted capture and growth of microbes.
Debrassi, A., Zuilhof, H., de Vos, W. & Wennekes, T.
1/09/11 → 25/01/16
Project: PhD
Quantifying Electron Fluxes in Methanogenic Microbial Communities
Sedano Nunez, V., Stams, F. & Plugge, C.
1/09/11 → 3/04/18
Project: PhD
Development of a universal high throughput screening and selection system: Finding the needle in any haystack.
van Rossum, T., van der Oost, J. & Kengen, S.
1/09/11 → 14/09/18
Project: PhD
Microbial biomarkers of gastrointestinal health and functioning.
Hermes, G., Smidt, H. & Zoetendal, E.
18/07/11 → 9/12/16
Project: PhD
Ether-lipid membrane engineering of Escherichia coli for robustness.
Siliakus, M., van der Oost, J. & Kengen, S.
1/07/11 → 4/11/16
Project: PhD
Microbes Inside: Metabolic Interactions
Bui, N., de Vos, W. & Plugge, C.
19/05/11 → 22/04/16
Project: PhD
Identification and characterization of bacteria that carry antibiotic-resistance genes.
Bello Gonzalez, T., Smidt, H. & van Passel, M.
10/05/11 → 6/12/16
Project: PhD
Metabolic and phylogenetic diversity of Akkermansia species in the human digestive tract
Ouwerkerk, J., de Vos, W. & Belzer, C.
15/04/11 → 15/06/16
Project: PhD
Prokaryotic Argonaute - key player of RNAi/DNAi defense system.
Swarts, D., van der Oost, J. & Brouns, S.
1/03/11 → 2/06/15
Project: PhD
Functional microbiomics of Akkermansia species in the human digestive tract.
Ottman, N., Smidt, H., de Vos, W. & Belzer, C.
17/01/11 → 16/09/15
Project: PhD
Biological hydrogen production beyonds current limits
Spaans, B., van der Oost, J. & Kengen, S.
1/12/10 → 9/06/16
Project: PhD
Aquarehab (Development of rehabilitation technologies and approaches for multipressured degrated waters and the integration of their impact on river basin management)
Smidt, H. & Maphosa, F.
1/12/10 → 31/12/12
Project: PostDoc
Microbial interactions in marine anoxic sediments: competition or teamwork?
Ozuolmez, D., Stams, F. & Plugge, C.
15/11/10 → 12/09/17
Project: PhD
Skin microbiota as determinant of host specificity in mosquitoes.
Verhulst, N., Dicke, M., van Loon, J., Schraa, G. & Takken, W.
1/11/10 → 1/04/14
Project: PostDoc
Functional genomics and diversity of mucus-associated bacteria
Belzer, C., de Vos, W. & Smidt, H.
1/09/10 → 1/09/16
Project: PostDoc