Projects per year
Search results
Mitochondrial dysfunction-derived lipid droplet accumulation promotes atrial fibrillation in diabetes.
van Barneveld, F. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
1/12/24 → …
Project: PhD
The Role of Vitamin K2 in preventing and curing atrial fibrillation.
Yang, Z. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
1/12/24 → …
Project: PhD
The Role of Polyphenols in Mitigating Diabetes-Induced Atrial Fibrillation.
Sun, M. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
1/11/24 → …
Project: PhD
The role of Nnt in muscle & nerve interactions in vivo and ex vivo under redox (un)challenged conditions.
Ai, Y. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Grefte, S. (Co-promotor)
1/11/24 → …
Project: PhD
Potential role of citrus pectin in preventing diabetic cardiomyopathy by improving microbiota and mitochondrial health
Wang, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
1/11/24 → …
Project: PhD
The role of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass and metabolic health.
Oakley, S. (PhD candidate), Dirks, M. (Promotor) & Keijer, J. (Promotor)
1/08/24 → …
Project: PhD
The impact of physical inactivity on skeletal muscle metabolism in type 2 diabetes.
Turan, G. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Dirks, M. (Co-promotor) & Timmers, S. (Co-promotor)
15/06/24 → …
Project: PhD
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) and protein intake in the intensive care unit (ICU): combining muscle contractions and nutrition to prevent muscle wasting in ICU patients.
Domingos, L. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), van Zanten, A. (Promotor), Dirks, M. (Co-promotor) & Kouw, I. (Co-promotor)
1/06/24 → …
Project: PhD
Gut health promotes heart health – Role of citrus pectin in preenting atrial fibrillation via boosting beneficial gut microbiotica.
Wang, X. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
1/10/23 → …
Project: PhD
Molecular physiological studies on the role of vitamin B2 on the interplay between female reproduction and whole-body metabolism.
Liang, Y. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Teerds, K. (Co-promotor)
1/02/23 → …
Project: PhD
Targeting mitochondria oxidative stress as novel therapeutic options for atrial fibrillation: a potential key role of natural food bioactive compounds.
Hu, Y. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
1/12/22 → …
Project: PhD
The functional role of nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) in cellular energy metabolism and redox homeostasis
Li, W. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Koopman, W. (Co-promotor)
1/11/22 → …
Project: PhD
The role of NNT in energy metabolism and muscle metabolic health during aging and hypoxia conditions
Yang, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Grefte, S. (Co-promotor)
1/11/22 → …
Project: PhD
The role of nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) in the defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Romijnders-van der Stelt, I. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Koopman, W. (Co-promotor)
1/06/22 → …
Project: PhD
It takes IL-22 to tango: interleukin-22 in intestinal health and disease in zebrafish
Kidess, E. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Wells, J. (Promotor), Brugman, S. (Co-promotor) & de Boer, V. (Co-promotor)
16/12/21 → …
Project: PhD
Designing a ketogenic supplement for muscle health.
Mosselman, M. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Hennebelle, M. (Co-promotor), Keppler, J. (Co-promotor) & Timmers, S. (Co-promotor)
5/07/21 → …
Project: PhD
Targeting mitochondrial oxidative stress to prevent diabetes-induced atrial fibrillation.
van Rinsum, A. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
21/06/21 → …
Project: PhD
The role of mitofusin 2 in calcium signalling, redox homeostasis and energy metabolism.
Qi, X. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Koopman, W. (Co-promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
15/03/21 → …
Project: PhD
Evaluation of food bioactives on intestinal starch digestion: an in vivo study.
Hassan, S. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
15/03/21 → …
Project: PhD
Improving piglet birth weight and survivability by studying follicular development: the role of IGF1
Yu, Q. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Soede, N. (Co-promotor), Teerds, K. (Co-promotor) & Meng, L. (Other)
15/03/21 → …
Project: PhD
Improvement of intestinal integrity and metabolic function by galactose: a cornerstone for whole body metabolic health
Fos Codoner, F. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/02/21 → …
Project: PhD
Early life nutritional metabolic programming for later life metabolic health – the nutritional power of galactose
Sun, P. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
15/01/21 → …
Project: PhD
Development of novel telemetry implants with added 3D micro-GPS functionality.
Klein, C. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/01/21 → …
Project: PhD
The functional role of nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) in mitochondrial redox and vitamin B3 homeostasis of cardiac muscle
Hu, L. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Zhang, D. (Co-promotor)
8/11/20 → …
Project: PhD
Muscle Health
de Jong, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Nieuwenhuizen, A. (Co-promotor)
15/05/20 → …
Project: PhD
Aging and mitochondrial redox homeostasis in muscle-nerve interactions: an integrative in vitro and in vivo approach
Song, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Grefte, S. (Co-promotor)
25/09/19 → …
Project: PhD
Programming effects of dietary lipid droplet structure on lipid and energy metabolism.
Kodde, A. (PhD candidate) & Keijer, J. (Promotor)
15/12/19 → 3/04/24
Project: PhD
Need for feed; determing metabolic phases of critical illness and convalescence
Moonen, H. (PhD candidate), van Zanten, A. (Promotor) & Nieuwenhuizen, A. (Co-promotor)
15/10/19 → 20/12/24
Project: PhD
Time resolved characterization of the development of NAFLD and the role of the gut and white adipose tissue therein.
Gart, E. (PhD candidate) & Keijer, J. (Promotor)
1/11/17 → 10/05/23
Project: PhD
Understanding the impact of protein fermentation end-products on pig intestinal metabolic health to optimize its barrier
Bekebrede, A. (PhD candidate), Gerrits, W. (Promotor), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & de Boer, V. (Co-promotor)
15/10/17 → 10/02/23
Project: PhD
A Dietary Approach To Improve Innate Immune Health
Janssen, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Savelkoul, H. (Promotor), de Boer, V. (Co-promotor) & van Neerven, J. (Co-promotor)
1/10/17 → 12/10/22
Project: PhD
The selfish tumour; changes in muscle micro-environment and energy homeostasis underlying cancer-induced muscle wasting.
van der Ende, M. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Witkamp, R. (Promotor), Grefte, S. (Co-promotor) & van Norren, K. (Co-promotor)
6/12/16 → 28/01/22
Project: PhD
White adipose tissue adaptive capacity.
Yuan, T. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & de Boer, V. (Co-promotor)
6/09/16 → 9/06/21
Project: PhD
Pseudo hypoxia as a target for improving muscle mitochondrial fitness with mito-active food components during ageing.
Lagerwaard, B. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Nieuwenhuizen, A. (Co-promotor) & de Boer, V. (Co-promotor)
15/06/16 → 12/03/21
Project: PhD
Improving piglet bitrth weight and litter uniformity by studying ovarian folicular development
Costermans, N. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Kemp, B. (Promotor), Soede, N. (Co-promotor) & Teerds, K. (Co-promotor)
1/09/15 → 28/10/20
Project: PhD
Optimizing early-life dietary carbohydrates to improve later-life health.
Fernandez Calleja, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/01/15 → 19/11/19
Project: PhD
Optimizing early life dietary carbohydrates to improve later-life metabolic health.
Bouwman, L. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/01/15 → 16/10/19
Project: PhD
Effect of different fat sources on digestion and metabolism.
Hageman, J. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Nieuwenhuizen, A. (Co-promotor)
1/07/14 → 13/12/19
Project: PhD
Carnitine in the dairy chain: a metabolically active compound with the potential to prevent postpone muscle decrease in elderly people.
van der Hoek, M. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & Nieuwenhuizen, A. (Co-promotor)
1/07/14 → 14/04/20
Project: PhD
Mechanisms underlying muscle function improvement by B-vitamins
Shi, W. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & de Boer, V. (Co-promotor)
1/09/13 → 16/04/19
Project: PhD
Good, bad or risky? Models to study protein bio-availability and effects on gut barrier function and intestinal immunity.
Janssen Duijghuijsen, L. M. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Wichers, H. (Promotor) & van Norren, K. (Co-promotor)
1/09/12 → 19/04/17
Project: PhD
Elucidating the role of adipose tissue in fertility and healthy reproduction
Keijer, J. (CoI), Teerds, K. (CoI) & Meng, L. (PhD candidate)
9/05/12 → 7/12/16
Project: PhD
To identify and characterize biomarkers of good health
Duivenvoorde, L. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/01/10 → 26/05/15
Project: PhD
Identification of molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic setpoints
Hoevenaars, F. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/10/09 → 25/04/14
Project: PhD
Flavonoids as bioactive ingredients against cardiovascular diseases: a risk-benefit evaluation
Hoek, E. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Rietjens, I. (Promotor), Hollman, P. (Co-promotor) & van Schothorst, E. (Co-promotor)
1/10/09 → 13/05/15
Project: PhD
Development of in vitro reporter gene bioassays for detection of beneficial health effects of functional foods.
Gijsbers, L. (PhD candidate), Keijer, J. (Promotor), Rietjens, I. (Promotor) & Aarts, J. (Co-promotor)
1/08/08 → 8/03/13
Project: PhD