Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 99 results
Search results
The effects of armed conflict on institutions, livelihoods and the natural environment in Tigray, Ethiopia
Kelebe, H. (PhD candidate), Dries, L. (Promotor) & Peerlings, J. (Promotor)
1/12/24 → …
Project: PhD
The potential of data to assess and contribute to agricultural sustainability.
Klinnert Vlachopoulou, A. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Drabik, D. (Co-promotor)
1/09/24 → …
Project: PhD
EU Horizon project Act4CAP27
Sartorius Riveiro, M. (PhD candidate), Peerlings, J. (Promotor) & Jongeneel, R. (Co-promotor)
1/06/24 → …
Project: PhD
Measurement of Food Systems’ Resilience in Ukraine
Litvinov, V. (PhD candidate), Dries, L. (Promotor) & Ihle, R. (Co-promotor)
1/09/23 → …
Project: PhD
Quantifying the Ghanaian food system using micro-data on Ghana's food production, marketing, trade and consumption - insights from the application of machine learning methods
Appiah-Twumasi, M. (PhD candidate), Gardebroek, K. (Promotor), Ansah, I. (Co-promotor) & Ihle, R. (Co-promotor)
1/08/23 → …
Project: PhD
Navigating land-based mitigation towards enhanced sustainability
Wu, Y. (PhD candidate), van Meijl, J. C. M. (Promotor) & van Zeist, W.-J. (Co-promotor)
1/08/23 → …
Project: PhD
The spatial heterogenic effects of long-term shocks on household food security
de Lange, T. (PhD candidate), van Meijl, J. C. M. (Promotor) & van Dijk, M. (Co-promotor)
15/04/23 → …
Project: PhD
Assessing advancements in Ukraine’s agrarian and land policies
Neyter, R. (PhD candidate), Gardebroek, K. (Promotor) & Ihle, R. (Co-promotor)
1/04/23 → …
Project: PhD
RATION – Risk AssessmenT InnOvatioN for low-risk pesticides
Godinho, J. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Cingiz, K. (Co-promotor)
1/04/23 → …
Project: PhD
Simulating the heterogenous effects of new agricultural policies on household nutrition security in the EU27
Feenstra, N. (PhD candidate), van Meijl, J. C. M. (Promotor), Gehrke, E. (Co-promotor) & van Dijk, M. (Co-promotor)
1/04/23 → …
Project: PhD
Kartakis, S. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Cingiz, K. (Co-promotor)
1/01/23 → …
Project: PhD
Economic and Environmental Efficiency of Irish and EU agriculture
Mozahid, N. (PhD candidate), Gardebroek, K. (Promotor) & Wesseler, J. (Promotor)
1/12/22 → …
Project: PhD
NOVASOIL – Innovative Business Models for Soil Health
Thiermann, I. (PI) & Dries, L. (Project Leader)
1/11/22 → 31/10/25
Project: PostDoc
Brightspace. Towards a safe and just operating space for EU agriculture
van Meijl, J. C. M. (Project Leader), Wesseler, J. (PI), Gehrke, E. (CoPI) & Feenstra, N. (CoI)
1/11/22 → 31/10/27
Project: Staff
Pijpers, F. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Drabik, D. (Co-promotor)
1/01/22 → …
Project: PhD
Systemic Innovations Towards a Zero Food Waste Supply Chain - ZeroW
de Leeuw, S. (Project Leader), Drabik, D. (PI) & Pijpers, F. (PI)
1/01/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Staff
Restructuring the food supply chain to a broader bio-based supply chain in developing countries; Findings from the banana-sector in Uganda
Nakimpi, C. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor), Gehrke, E. (Co-promotor) & Ingenbleek, P. (Co-promotor)
1/12/21 → …
Project: PhD
Applying foresight methods to engage with future uncertainty and inform agricultural policy.
Mason-D'Croz, D. (PhD candidate) & van Meijl, J. C. M. (Promotor)
1/09/21 → …
Project: PhD
Analysing the effectiveness of European agricultural programs using Machine Learning techniques
Brignoli, P. (PhD candidate), Gardebroek, K. (Promotor) & de Mey, Y. (Co-promotor)
1/05/21 → …
Project: PhD
Bioeconomy in China
Zhu, M. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Cingiz, K. (Co-promotor)
1/01/20 → …
Project: PhD
Impact of livelihood interventions in post-conflict areas of Syria and the potential for wider spill-over effects
el Solh, M. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Cecchi, F. (Co-promotor)
1/08/19 → …
Project: PhD
Environmental publica goods from farming through effective contract targeting
Dekkers, M. (PhD candidate), Peerlings, J. (Promotor), Dries, L. (Co-promotor) & van der Werf, E. (Co-promotor)
1/04/19 → …
Project: PhD
Bioeconomy policies and their impact - A case study for Spain
Gurria Albusac, P. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor), Drabik, D. (Co-promotor) & Philippidis, G. (Co-promotor)
1/06/18 → …
Project: PhD
Bioeconomy: the Case of Slovakia
Lazorcáková, E. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor), Dries, L. (Co-promotor) & Peerlings, J. (Co-promotor)
1/06/18 → …
Project: PhD
New Bio-economics Sector Development in Latvia
Tetere, V. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor), Dries, L. (Co-promotor) & Peerlings, J. (Co-promotor)
1/06/18 → …
Project: PhD
Derived Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity in South-West Nigeria
Sanusi, M. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Dries, L. (Co-promotor)
15/12/17 → …
Project: PhD
Food Security Resilience, Measurement and Policy implication
Arya, A. (PhD candidate), Heijman, W. (Promotor) & Ihle, R. (Co-promotor)
1/10/17 → …
Project: PhD
Risks of urban trees in the Netherlands
van Haaften, M. (PhD candidate), Heijman, W. (Promotor), Gardebroek, K. (Co-promotor) & Meuwissen, M. (Co-promotor)
1/01/17 → …
Project: PhD
Social capital and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brkovic, D. (PhD candidate) & Heijman, W. (Promotor)
1/05/16 → …
Project: PhD
High-Value Market Strategies for Sustainable Farmer Performance. A study on Peruvian cocoa smallholder farmers
Sanchez Amiquero, K. (PhD candidate), Dries, L. (Promotor) & Wesseler, J. (Promotor)
1/05/16 → …
Project: PhD
Certification and agricultural practices of oil palm smallholders in Sumatra
Hutabarat, S. (PhD candidate), Giller, K. (Promotor), Dries, L. (Co-promotor) & Slingerland, M. (Co-promotor)
22/08/12 → …
Project: PhD
Mining sector impacts on regional development of Umnugovi Province in Mongolia (in case of nomadic livestock sector)
Dagys, K. (PhD candidate), Dries, L. (Promotor) & Heijman, W. (Promotor)
1/05/12 → …
Project: PhD
Land Tenure Governance, Rental Contract Choice and Economic Performance: Evidence from Three Provinces in China
Tang, L. (PhD candidate), Heerink, N. (Promotor), Peerlings, J. (Promotor) & Ma, X. (Co-promotor)
1/06/21 → 26/08/24
Project: PhD
agroBRIDGES - Building bridges between consumers and producers by supporting short food supply chains through a systemic, holistic, multi-actor approach based Toolbox
Thiermann, I. (PI) & Dries, L. (Project Leader)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: PostDoc
Alternative futures of a circular bio-based society: the economic consequences of adopting circularity at different spatial scales
Gatto, A. (PhD candidate), van Meijl, J. C. M. (Promotor) & Kuiper, M. (Co-promotor)
1/11/19 → 12/03/24
Project: PhD
EFFECT: Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting
Dries, L. (PI), Peerlings, J. (CoI), van der Werf, E. (CoI) & Dekkers, M. (CoI)
1/05/19 → 30/04/23
Project: Staff
Improving the sustainability of fruit and vegetable supply chains in Ecuador - The role of organization and coordination
Moreno Miranda, C. (PhD candidate) & Dries, L. (Promotor)
1/11/18 → 28/02/23
Project: PhD
ERA CoBioTech/Sustainable biopolymer [ACHEMA]
Wesseler, J. (PI) & Cingiz, K. (PI)
4/06/18 → 31/05/22
Project: PostDoc
Zooming in on the Bioeconomy: From a Comprehensive View of the EU Bioeconomy to an Analysis of Consumer Tastes for Bio-based Products at a Regional Level
Kardung, M. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Drabik, D. (Co-promotor)
1/06/18 → 28/03/23
Project: PhD
Measuring the Bioeconomy - BioMonitor
Wesseler, J. (PI), Drabik, D. (CoI) & Heijman, W. (PI)
1/06/18 → 31/05/22
Project: Staff
Contribution of the European bioeconomy to jobs, growth and UN SDGs
Ronzon, T. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor), Drabik, D. (Co-promotor) & Philippidis, G. (Co-promotor)
1/06/18 → 19/06/23
Project: PhD
Statistics and modelling frameworks to monitor the EU bioeconomy. A case study application
Tassinari, G. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & Drabik, D. (Co-promotor)
1/06/18 → 12/04/23
Project: PhD
The role of geothermal resource in local development
Kurek, K. (PhD candidate), Heijman, W. (Promotor) & van Ophem, J. (Co-promotor)
1/02/18 → 15/04/21
Project: PhD
Drivers of change in East African (agro-) pastorial livelihoods: Large scale land investment and sedentarization
Bekele, A. (PhD candidate), Dries, L. (Promotor), Heijman, W. (Promotor) & Drabik, D. (Co-promotor)
1/11/17 → 22/02/22
Project: PhD
Research for European Commission JRC - Monitoring of Prices and Margins in EU Food Supply Chains: Existing and Alternative Approaches
Baltussen, W. (PI), Drabik, D. (PI), Dries, L. (PI), van Galen, M. (PI), Gardebroek, K. (PI), Ihle, R. (PI), Logatcheva, K. (PI) & Oosterkamp, E. (PI)
20/10/17 → 1/09/18
Project: Staff
Rural Dynamics and Sustainable Development in Russia with Particular Reference to the Stavropol Territory
Chaplitskaya, A. (PhD candidate), Heijman, W. (Promotor), Wesseler, J. (Promotor) & van Ophem, J. (Co-promotor)
1/01/17 → 19/03/24
Project: PhD
Benefit and cost of delay in approval of BT rice in China
Jin, Y. (PhD candidate), Wesseler, J. (Promotor), Drabik, D. (Co-promotor) & Heerink, N. (Co-promotor)
15/11/16 → 17/02/21
Project: PhD
Modelling the Social-Ecological Resilience of the Ghanaian Food System
Ansah, I. (PhD candidate), Gardebroek, K. (Promotor) & Ihle, R. (Co-promotor)
1/11/16 → 14/06/21
Project: PhD
Research for agri committee - The EU cattle sector: challenges and opportunities - milk and meat
Wesseler, J. (PI), Ihle, R. (CoI), Dries, L. (CoI) & Jongeneel, R. (CoI)
1/07/16 → 28/11/16
Project: Staff
Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy
Dries, L. (PI) & Peerlings, J. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 1/06/21
Project: Staff