Zorg rond zwangerschap, bevalling en kraambed in Wageningen 1979 [Care for pregnancy, delivery, childbed in city of Wageningen 1979]
M. Brouwer (Creator)
Description of situation concerning care of pregnancy, childbirth and childbed in Wageningen, the Netherlands. Diagnosis of pregnancy / supervision of pregnancy ( zwangerschapsbegeleiding ) / place of delivery / maternity home / controls of pregnancy / gymnastics course for parents / evaluation of pregnancy / childbirth / child-bed and after-care / alimentation of child / district nurses. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ education
Brouwer, M., van Herpen, D., de Jongh, R., Kool, A., Kuhlmann, M. J., Rodenburg, L., van de Valk, E. & Vlaar, S., 1979, Wageningen: Landbouwhogeschool. 255 p. (Gezondheidsleer. Verslagen, rapporten, scripties en nota's; no. no. 1980-75)
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Brouwer, M. (Creator) (1981). Zorg rond zwangerschap, bevalling en kraambed in Wageningen 1979 [Care for pregnancy, delivery, childbed in city of Wageningen 1979]. Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen. 10.17026/dans-zpm-pnsk