Whole-body-vibration training positively affects muscle transcriptome in tumour bearing cachectic mice



Background The prevailing view is that a combination of nutritional, pharmacological and exercise therapy is most optimal to reduce the development and progression of cancer cachexia. However, in many cancer patients, physical activity is hampered by frailty and fatigue. The present study aimed to investigate whole-body vibration training (WBV) as potential alternative to attenuate loss of weight, muscle mass and function in tumour bearing mice. Methods Twenty-four male CD2F1-mice (21.5±0.2g) were stratified into four groups (control=[C], control+WBV=[C+V], tumour-bearing=[T] and tumour-bearing+WBV=[T+V]), and injected (day 1) with C26 cells or vehicle. From day 1, whole-body-vibration (WBV groups) was performed for 19 days (15min, 45Hz, 1.0g acceleration). General outcome measures included body mass and composition, and daily activity. In addition, blood analysis and assessments of muscle histology and function and whole genome gene expression in m. soleus (SOL) and m. extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were performed. Two-way ANOVA with factors tumour, training and interaction was used for statistical analysis. Results Body weight, lean and fat mass and EDL mass were all lower in tumour bearing mice compared to controls. No effects of vibration training were found on systemic cachexia related outcomes. However, WBV increased EDL mass in the control treatment,. SOL mass did not differ, whereas SOL function was affected by both tumour and WBV. Interestingly, WBV reduced the tumour-related effects on muscle gene expression in EDL, SOL and heart. Conclusions These data suggest that WBV had only minor effects on cachexia related outcomes in the present experimental set-up, while muscle transcriptome was positively affected. This merits follow-up studies applying for example longer treatment periods or incorporating WBV in a multiple-target intervention. Overall design: Microarray analysis was performed on skeletal muscle biopsies (m. soleus, m. extensor digitorum longus and heart) from mice with or without cachexia and/or whole body vibration training.
Date made available30 Oct 2018
PublisherWageningen University & Research


  • Mus musculus

Accession numbers

  • PRJNA501868
  • GSE121972

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