Vertical plant profiles for Dassenbos (NL, 2014-2018, TLS); Wytham Woods (UK, 2022, LEAF) & Northern Australia (2021-2022, LEAF)

  • Kim Calders (Ghent University, University of Eastern Finland) (Contributor)
  • Benjamin Brede (German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) (Contributor)
  • Glenn Newnham (Contributor)
  • Darius Culvenor (Contributor)
  • John Armston (Contributor)
  • Harm Bartholomeus (Contributor)
  • Anne Griebel (Contributor)
  • Jodie Hayward (Contributor)
  • Samuli Junttila (Contributor)
  • Alvaro Lau Sarmiento (Contributor)
  • Shaun R. Levick (Contributor)
  • Rosalinda Morrone (Contributor)
  • Niall Origo (Contributor)
  • Marion Pfeifer (Contributor)
  • Jan Verbesselt (Contributor)
  • Martin Herold (Contributor)
  • Marcello Novani (Contributor)
  • Jose Gonzalez de Tanago Menaca (Contributor)



This dataset was described and used for the analysis of the following publication: StrucNet: A global network for automated vegetation structure monitoring. Brede, B., Newnham, G., Culvenor, D., Armston, J., Bartholomeus, H., Griebel, A., Hayward, J., Junttila, S., Lau, A., Levick, S., Morrone, R., Origo, N., Pfeifer, M., Verbesselt, J. & Herold, M. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (accepted) Any use of this dataset should cite the paper above (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License). Contact: [email protected] ================================================ Dataset ================================================ 1) TLS vertical plant profiles Dassenbos. Five-year dynamics of forest structure for the four sampling locations in Dassenbos. Data were collected using the same measurement protocol and data analysis using as described in Calders et al. (2015) using a zenith range of 35-70 degrees for 184-186 (some scans were discarded for quality purposes) measurement days during the period from February 2014 to November 2018. The data repository contains the vertical plant profiles and plotting code (Fig 1 in paper) 2) One-year dynamics of vegetation structure for a tropical savanna site in Northern Australia (Fig 2 in paper) and Wytham Woods (Fig 3 in paper). The data repository contains the vertical plant profiles derived from LEAF data and plotting code.
Date made available28 Mar 2023
PublisherGhent University

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