Van Dijk et al. (2021), A meta-analysis of projected global food demand and population at risk of hunger for the period 2010–2050, data and scripts

  • Michiel van Dijk (Creator)
  • Tomas Morley (Creator)
  • Marie Luise Rau (Creator)
  • Yashar Saghai (Creator)



    This repository contains all data and R scripts to reproduce the figures in Van Dijk et al. (2021), A meta-analysis of global food demand and population at risk of hunger projections for the period 2010-2050, Nature Food. More specifically, it includes two databases: (1) A database with standardized information to describe the characteristics of 57 studies that were identified by the systematic literature review and (2) The Global Food Security Projections Database v1.0.1 with harmonized projections for three global food security indicators: food consumption in kcal per capita and total kcal, and population at risk of hunger. The database also includes projections for total global population that are required to derive the global food security indicators.
    The two scripts (nf_figures.r and nf_meta_regression.r) can be used to reproduce the figures and tables in the main paper and the supplementary information. Please start with the first script, which sources the second script

    This is the first version of the Global Food Projections Database. We expect to update the data, including additional studies and variables in the future. For issues and suggestions, please contact [email protected]
    Date made available8 Jun 2021
    PublisherWageningen University & Research


    • meta-analysis
    • systematic literature review
    • projections
    • food security
    • global

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