The dataset comprises 248 images taken in two flights on 29 July 2021 over a pistachio orchard in Spain. In addition, GCPs (ground control points) were collected to improve the photogrammetric process accuracy. The photos were taken using a UAV DJI Phantom Advance quadcopter equipped with a DJI FC6310 RGB 20-megapixel camera. The first flight mission was planned to take nadir images (-90º gimbal pitch degree), whereas the second flight was scheduled to take oblique images (-60º gimbal pitch degree), both at 55 metres above the ground. In addition, the images were used to generate a 3D point cloud, DEM and orthomosaic, which were included in the dataset.This dataset is useful for precision agriculture researchers interested in photogrammetric reconstruction.
Date made available | 22 Oct 2022 |
Publisher | Wageningen University & Research |
Geographical coverage | Spain |