The motion of trees in the wind - a collection of multiple data sets

  • Toby D. Jackson (Creator)
  • Amanda Bunce (Creator)
  • Ken James (Creator)
  • Axel Wellpott (Creator)
  • Skip Van Bloem (Creator)
  • Alexis Achim (Creator)
  • Barry Gardiner (Creator)
  • Ebba Dellwick (Contributor)
  • Nikolas Angelou (Contributor)
  • Tim van Emmerik (Contributor)
  • Marine Duperat (Contributor)
  • Jean Claude Ruel (Contributor)
  • Brian Kane (Contributor)
  • Dominick M. Ciruzzi (Contributor)
  • Steven Loheide II (Contributor)
  • Daniel Burcham (Contributor)
  • Dirk Schindler (Contributor)
  • Sven Kolbe (Contributor)
  • Kilian Wiegmann (Contributor)
  • Mark Rudnicki (Contributor)
  • Victor J. Lieffers (Contributor)
  • John Selker (Contributor)
  • Andrew V. Gougherty (Contributor)
  • Jason Miesbauer (Contributor)
  • Roger Samelson (Contributor)
  • Jim Wagner (Contributor)
  • Anthony R. Ambrose (Contributor)
  • Andreas Detter (Contributor)
  • Steffen Rust (Contributor)



The tree motion data in this repository were collected from multiple sites with different sensors.
There are two types of data:

(a) 1-hour sample data from 27 sites (/one_hour_samples/*.csv). 
Each file represents a single tree and contains two columns representing the two horizontal axes of tree motion. 
These data are uncalibrated and do not have a time-stamp. File names refer to: 
for example
These filenames match the first column in the 'TreeSummary.csv' table

(b) long-term data from 9 data sets (/
The wind and tree data are stored in separate files for each day of data, 
labelled with site name, tree ID or wind, year, month, day.
For example Kershope_T25_1990_5_23

In each file, the first column is the time and date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS
The following columns are tree motion data or wind data with units in the variable names. 
Some of the data were calibrated by pulling the tree with a known force, in these cases 
calibration coefficients are given in the 'TreeSummary' table

Wind data for the Australian data set is stored in the folder with data for each tree, 
because the trees were not close together enough to share a wind measurement.

The data for Orange, Storrs and Torrington were collected with inclinometers. The data
for all trees is stored together in each daily file.

The long-term tree motion data have not been pre-processed because user choices affect the results. 
Importantly, you will need to remove a varying offset (caused by sensor drift) from the tree motion data.
See discussion in the accompanying publication and references therein. 
Date made available9 Jun 2021
PublisherUniversity of Cambridge


  • tree motion
  • wind damage
  • forest ecology
  • risk management
  • hydrology
  • strain gauge
  • accelerometer
  • inclinometer
  • The motion of trees in the wind: A data synthesis

    Jackson, T. D., Sethi, S., Dellwik, E., Angelou, N., Bunce, A., Van Emmerik, T., Duperat, M., Ruel, J. C., Wellpott, A., Van Bloem, S., Achim, A., Kane, B., Ciruzzi, D. M., Loheide, S. P., James, K., Burcham, D., Moore, J., Schindler, D., Kolbe, S. & Wiegmann, K. & 14 others, Rudnicki, M., Lieffers, V. J., Selker, J., Gougherty, A. V., Newson, T., Koeser, A., Miesbauer, J., Samelson, R., Wagner, J., Ambrose, A. R., Detter, A., Rust, S., Coomes, D. & Gardiner, B., 6 Jul 2021, In: Biogeosciences. 18, 13, p. 4059-4072 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Citations (Scopus)

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