Supplementary material from "Departure, routing and landing decisions of long-distance migratory songbirds in relation to weather"

  • Georg Rüppel (Creator)
  • Ommo Hüppop (Creator)
  • Sander Lagerveld (Creator)
  • Heiko Schmaljohann (Creator)
  • Vera Brust (Creator)



Migrating birds flexibly adjust their individual migratory decisions, i.e. departing, routing and landing, based on intrinsic (e.g. energy stores) and extrinsic (e.g. landscape features and weather) factors modulating the endogenous stimuli. So far, these decisions have mostly been studied separately. Notably, we lack information on which factors landing decisions during active flight are based on. Therefore, we simultaneously recorded all three decisions in free-flying long-distance migratory songbirds in a coastal stopover area via regional-scale radio-telemetry and related them to the prevailing weather. Birds departed under favourable weather conditions resulting in specific nights with increased departure probability. Once departed, birds could either fly offshore or take a route along the coast, which was predicted by wind support. Radio-tracking revealed that departed individuals more likely interrupted their migratory endurance flight under overcast or headwind conditions. Studying departure, routing and landing decisions in concert, we highlight the importance of weather as a common driver across all migratory decisions. By radio-tracking individuals between stopovers, we provide evidence that avoidance of adverse weather conditions is an important function of stopover. Understanding how birds adjust migratory decisions and how they affect the timing of migration and survival is key to link migration performance to individual fitness.
Date made available27 Jan 2023
PublisherWageningen University


  • Ecology
  • Biological sciences
  • Animal Behaviour

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