SoilKsatDB: global compilation of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements for geoscience applications

  • Surya Gupta (Creator)
  • Tomislav Hengl (Creator)
  • Peter Lehmann (Creator)
  • Sara Bonetti (University College London) (Creator)
  • Dani Or (Creator)



A total of 13,258 Ksat measurements from 1,908 sites were assembled from the published literature and other sources, standardized, and quality-checked in order to obtain a global database of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (SoilKsatDB). The SoilKsatDB covers most global regions, with the highest data density from North America, followed by Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, and Australia. In addition to Ksat, other soil variables such as soil texture (11,584 measurements), bulk density (11,262 measurements), soil organic carbon (9,787 measurements), field capacity (7,382) and wilting point (7,411) are also included in the data set.
Date made available23 May 2020
PublisherETH Zürich


  • soil
  • hydraulic conductivity
  • OpenLandMap
  • LandGIS
  • clay
  • hydrology

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