Soil Microbial Communities on the anode and 2-m distance of Tubular Plant Microbial Fuel Cell in a Paddy Field in West Kalimantan, Indonesia



Soil samples were collected (on 30 June 2018) from 6 different locations for microbial community analysis from a paddy field in West Kalimantan, Indonesia (0.919215N, 109.468182E; elevation 100m above sea level). Sample A: Soil that attached on the anode from mid of Plant-MFC 1Sample B: soil that attached on the anode from end of the plant-MFC 1Sample C: Soil that attached on the anode from mid of Plant-MFC 2Sample D: soil that attached on the anode from end of the plant-MFC 2Sample E: soil from 2 m distance at northen side of plant-MFC 1 & 2Sample F: soil from 2 m distance at southern side of plant-MFC 1 & 2Samples were grouped into 3: Group I (Samples A and C) was soil that attached on the anode from mid plant-MFC; Group II (samples B and D) was soil that attached on the anode from end of the plant-MFC; and Group III (samples E and F) was from soil with 2 m distance from plant-MFC 1 and 2. After collection, samples were kept in a 30ml-tube container and keep in 40C fridge. The next day samples were transported for 48hours with a cool-ice box for DNA extraction to Genetika Lab, Jakarta (PT. Genetika Science Indonesia), a partner company from 1st BASE Axil Scientific Pte Ltd, Singapore. Sequencing steps were performed by 1st BASEas following: the universal primers that targeted the V3V4 regions were used for amplification. The quantity and quality of the PCR product that targeted the V3V4 regions were measured using Tapestation 4200, picogreen and nanodrop. All the samples passed the QC measurement and proceed straight for a library preparation. The libraries were prepared using Illumina 16s metagenomics library prep kit and their quality and quantity were determine using Agilent Tapestation 4200, Picogreen and qPCR. These libraries were then pooled according to the protocol recommended by the Illumina and proceed straight to sequencing using MiSeq platform at 2x301PE format by 1st BASE Axil Scientific Pte Ltd, Singapore.
Date made available31 Jan 2020
PublisherWageningen University
Temporal coverage30 Jun 2018
Geographical coverageWest Kalimantan, Indonesia


  • metagenome
  • Plant Microbial Fuel Cell
  • Soil Microbial Communities
  • Paddy Field

Accession numbers

  • PRJEB34787
  • ERP117748

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