Rocktopo Sensing Mountains Summer School 2024: UAV images, pointcloud and TLS pointclouds

  • Chiara Bottaro (Data Collector)
  • Lieu-Ying Chang (Data Collector)
  • Daniel Thomas (Data Collector)
  • Shougun Jai (Data Collector)
  • Andrei Kedich (Data Collector)
  • Jurrian Doornbos (Creator)



This dataset contains high-resolution 3D scans of an outdoor rock climbing wall, captured using both Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS). The dataset includes images from the UAV, the reconstructed point cloud derived from photogrammetry, and the point cloud from TLS. These scans were conducted on the following dates:

The used TLS was a Trimble X7 and the UAV a DJI Spark.

TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning): Provided in TLS_240924 or TLS_240925, this folder contains the point cloud data captured via TLS, offering highly accurate and detailed 3D geometry of the climbing wall surface. In LAS format.

UAV Images: Stored in UAV_240924 or UAV_240925, these subdirectories contain a set of aerial images taken from the UAV, which were later used to reconstruct the 3D point cloud of the rock climbing wall. In JPEG format.

Photogrammetric Point Cloud (LAS): The resulting 3D point cloud from UAV photogrammetry is stored in LAS_240924 or LAS_240925. These files represent the spatial data and geometry derived from processing the UAV images using photogrammetry techniques. In LAS format.

Aligned Point Cloud (ICP): The ICP aligned clouds that were used for analysis are stored in ICP. These files represent the spatial data and geometry derived from aligning the TLS and UAV clouds. In LAS format.
Potree Point Cloud (folder): Octree converted pointclouds used in the Potree rocktopo visualization.
Route Points: Polylines of every route in the lower location, in .poly (x y z) format.
The combination of both photogrammetric and laser scanning data provides a comprehensive and high-fidelity 3D representation of the climbing wall, useful for geospatial analysis, surface reconstruction, and outdoor modeling applications. The pointclouds are not georeferenced.

Please note: the TLS and UAV were taken simultaneously: the same location is therefore: UAV/LAS_240924 fits with TLS_250924 and vice-versa.
Date made available24 Sept 2024
PublisherPolitecnico di Milano

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