Replication data for: Violent Conflict and Behavior: A Field Experiment in Burundi

  • Maarten Voors (Creator)
  • Lonneke Nillesen (Creator)
  • P. Verwimp (Creator)
  • Erwin Bulte (Creator)
  • Robert Lensink (Creator)
  • D.P. van Soest (Creator)



We use a series of field experiments in rural Burundi to examine the impact of exposure to conflict on social, risk, and time preferences. We find that conflict affects behavior: individuals exposed to violence display more altruistic behavior towards their neighbors, are more risk-seeking, and have higher discount rates. Large adverse shocks can thus alter savings and investments decisions, and potentially have long-run consequences—even if the shocks themselves are temporary.
Date made available10 Nov 2019
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Geographical coverageBurundi

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