Data used for analysis in "Explainable Clustering Applied to the Definition of Terrestrial Biome" - using Decision Tree and Clustering techniques to identify biomes.
Land surface properties:
TreeCover - Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) collection 6 fractional tree cover from 1, regridded as per 2.
urban cover from the History Database of the Global Environment, Version 3.1 (HYDE) 3,4
crop cover (from HYDE)
pas - Pasture Cover (from HYDE)PopDen (population density from HYDE)
BurntArea_xxxxx - Burnt area with xxxx denoting different products, provided by fireMIP 5–7:
GFED_four: Global Fire Emissions Database, Version 4 (GFED4) 8
GFED_four_s: Global Fire Emissions Database, Version 4.1, including small fires (GFEDv4.1) 9
MCD_forty_five: MCD45 10
Meris: Fire_CCI4.0 11
MODIS: Fire_CCI5.1 12
MAP_xxx - Mean annual precipitation where xxx denotes data source:
CMORPH 13,14
CRU from version 4.03 of the Climatic Research Unit Time Series high-resolution gridded dataset (CRU TS v4.01) 15
GPCC: 16
MAT - Mean annual temperature from CRU)
MConc_xxx – Mean annual concentration of rainfall as defined by 18, where xxx denotes precip data source (see “MAP_xxx”)
MADD_xxx- Mean annual fractional dry days from CRU - i.e. seasonality of rainfall), where xxx denotes precip data source (see “MAP_xxx”)
MDDM_xxx – Mean fractional dry days of the driest month.
MADM_xxx – Mean annual precipitation of the driest month.
MTWM - Mean Maximum Temperature of the warmest month from CRU
MTCM - Mean minimum temperature of the coldest month from CRU
SW1 - direct downwards SW simulated using the SLASH model using CRU cloud cover
SW2 - diffuse downwards SW simulated using the SLASH model using CRU cloud cover
MaxWind (Mean Max Windspeed from CRU-(National Centers for Environmental Prediction 15
‘output_summary’ contains framework output. There are several directories for different experiments, each containing a netcdf file. Along with standard latitude and longitude,each file contains ‘model_level_number’ dimension, with each layer representing the 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95 and 99% quantiles of the model posterior. The folder represents the experiment:
Control – standard full model reconstruction
noHumans – without human influence (from crop, pasture, population density or urban influence)
noMortality – without disturbance stress (burnt area, wind, heat stress, rainfall seasonality
noMAP – without mean annual precip influence.
noNoneMAT – without mean annual temperature influence.
noFire – tree cover without the influence of fire
noDrought – without the influence of rainfall distribution
noTasMort – without mortality from heat stress
noWind – without influence from max. windspeed
noPas – without exclusion from pasture
noCrop – without exclusion from crop
noPop – without reduction from population density
noUrban – without exclusion from urban
firePlus1pc – tree cover with burnt area was 1% higher.