NPLinker eScience Workshop on Natural Product Genome & Metabolome Mining Materials



These materials were used as a part of the NPLinker eScience Workshop on Natural Product Genome & Metabolome Mining:

Most materials are available in a format facilitating its reuse. When doing so, we kindly ask you to - where possible and appropriate - acknowledge and credit those that put effort in creating the slides and developing the methods. You will find information in the slide decks to do so. Please note that the materials also have a DOI through this Zenodo link that can be used to credit the workshop material. Thanks in advance on behalf of the instructors and organizers of the workshop.

Whilst natural products discovery was a prime application area for the workshop, we do note that both genome mining and especially metabolome mining do have other application areas for which - sometimes with some modifications - the materials could be reused.

We hope that this initiative will help to further foster teaching the future generation of omics miners, to aid in setting up teaching materials for genome mining, metabolomics, and metabolome mining, and to promote discussions in between and bring together the fields of genome mining and metabolome mining.
Date made available5 Apr 2023
PublisherWageningen University & Research


  • genomics metabolomics integrative omics mass spectrometry sequencing
  • explorative data analysis
  • discovery
  • natural products
  • metabolome mining
  • genome mining
  • materials
  • workshop
  • data analysis

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