Northwestern Europe Wildfire Perimeter Polygons [2012-2022]

  • Victor Mario Tapia (Creator)
  • Santiago Monedero (Creator)
  • Kerryn Little (Creator)
  • Sergio de Miguel (Creator)
  • Cathelijne Stoof (Creator)
  • Adrián Cardil (Creator)
  • Tomás Quiñones (Creator)



This dataset contains KML files for wildfires detected from VIIRS across northwestern Europe from 2012 to 2022. Each file contains the fire progression at each satellite overpass. These files were used to detect the rate of spread for each wildfire event to characterize the fire behavior in temperate northwest Europe, a region with limited fire history.
Date made available4 Mar 2022
Temporal coverage2012 - 2022
Geographical coverageNorthwestern Europe


  • wildfire
  • fire behavior
  • rate of spread
  • Northwestern Europe

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