In coordination with BINGO project (see other work under BioProject PRJNA433466), a single female Nesidiocoris tenuis, a zoophytophagous mirid and biocontrol agent, was sequenced using the 10X Genomics platform and assembled using Supernova version 2. Also provided is an ab initio-, homology-, and evidence-based annotation.
Ferguson, K. (Creator), Visser, S. (Creator), Dalíková, M. (Creator), Provazníková, I. (Creator), Urbaneja, A. (Creator), Pérez-Hedo, M. (Creator), Marec, F. (Creator), Werren, J. H. (Creator), Zwaan, B. (Creator), Pannebakker, B. (Creator), Verhulst, E. (Creator) (6 Jan 2020). Linked-read genome of Nesidiocoris tenuis, a zoophytophagous mirid. Wageningen University.