Hybridization constrains the evolution of mimicry complexes in woodpeckers



The evolution of interspecific mimicry does not always result in perfect
resemblance between mimics and models. Differences between members of a
mimicry complex can be explained by genetic or developmental constraints.
Alternatively, imperfect mimicry might be the outcome of a trade-off
between multiple selective pressures. In this study, we explored the
evolutionary conflict between mimicry and hybridization in woodpeckers.
Based on the selective trade-off hypothesis, we expected that mimicry
complexes will start to evolve once the constraint of maladaptive
hybridization is relaxed. Hence, we predicted limited overlap in the
divergence times between hybridizing species pairs and members of a
mimicry complex. This prediction was supported by clear tipping point in
the probability of hybridization and mimicry at ca. 9 million years of
divergence. Around this timepoint, the probability of hybridization
approaches zero while the probability of belonging to a mimicry complex
increases. This finding is only correlational and remains to be confirmed
in other taxonomic groups. Nonetheless, our results suggest a selective
trade-off between evolving interspecific mimicry and avoiding maladaptive
hybridization in woodpeckers.
Date made available7 Jan 2023
PublisherWageningen University & Research


  • Picidae
  • FOS: Biological sciences
  • mimicry
  • Hybridization

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