Genome sequencing and assembly of Tomato cultivar Moneyberg-TMV using PacBio HiFi and ONT long read sequencing

  • Willem M.J. van Rengs (Creator)
  • Maximilian H.W. Schmidt (Creator)
  • Sieglinde Effgen (Creator)
  • Duyen Bao Le (Creator)
  • Yazhong Wang (Creator)
  • Mohd Waznul Adly Mohd Zaidan (Creator)
  • Bruno Huettel (Creator)
  • Henk Schouten (Creator)
  • Björn Usadel (Creator)
  • Charles J. Underwood (Creator)



PacBio HiFi and ONT long read sequencing was performed on the Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivar Moneyberg-TMV. Independent assembly of the HiFi reads was carried out using Hifiasm and Canu, and the two assemblies were merged. Independent assembly of the ONT reads was carried out using NECAT and Flye. Polishing of the two ONT assemblies was performed using the ONT data (Medaka), and then the two assemblies were merged. The Merged assembly from the ONT data was polished using the HiFi data (Racon). The merged HiFi and merged ONT assemblies were subsequently merged to generate the MbTMV assembly. The MbTMV assembly was validated using OmniC data and mapping the raw Hifi data and raw ONT data back to check genome coverage.
Date made available8 Sept 2021
PublisherMax Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research


  • Solanum lycopersicum
  • cultivar Moneyberg-TMV
  • Tomato

Accession numbers

  • PRJEB44956
  • ERP129069

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