Gene expression by microarray of Caenorhabditis elegans introgression lines carrying human alpha-synuclein



We conducted an experiment on introgression lines of Caenorhabditis elegans derived from a NL5901 cross with three previously constructed CB4856>N2 ILs (WN268, WN269, and WN270). The tested ILs carry a combination of chromosome V introgressions and the alpha-synuclein trans-gene: CB4856>N2 / aS, CB4856>N2 / -, - / aS, and - / -. We grew synchronized populations of the nematodes (12 ILs, N2, CB4856, NL5901, and SCH4856) under normal conditions (20 degrees Celcius, feeding on Escherichia coli OP50) for 120 hours. This experiment was repeated three times. The goal of the experiment was to identify loci affecting gene expression in the presence of human alpha-synuclein
Date made available30 Jun 2023
PublisherWageningen University and Research Centre


  • Caenorhabditis elegans

Accession numbers

  • E-MTAB-11661

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