GB biodiversity and cultural ecosystem services paper dataset

  • Ilan Havinga (Creator)
  • Diego Marcos Gonzalez (University of Montpellier) (Creator)
  • Patrick Boogaart (Creator)
  • Dario Massimino (Creator)
  • Lars Hein (Creator)
  • Devis Tuia (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EFPL) (Creator)



Scripts and data associated with the publication "Social media and deep learning reveal specific cultural preferences for biodiversity".

This repository contains a series of scripts (listed below) and key data including training weights and predictions from the beta=0.01 species interaction model and predictions from the species classification model. The prediction files contain Flickr and iNaturalist ids which can be linked to metadata accessible through the platform APIs.
Date made available24 Feb 2023
PublisherWageningen University & Research

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