Fruit and seed traits and vertebrate-fruit interactions of tree species occurring in Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana

  • Rens W. Vaessen (Contributor)
  • Klaske Van Wijngaarden (Creator)
  • Laura Boeschoten (Utrecht University) (Creator)
  • Ronja Hermiene Maria Knippers (Creator)
  • Livia Durazzo (Creator)
  • Loes Verkuil (Creator)
  • Marijke Van Kuijk (Contributor)



Through a systematic literature search, we compiled a database of fruit and seed traits and vertebrate-fruit interactions for tree and vertebrate species occurring in the Guianas, with the aim to facilitate research into seed dispersal and seed predation of tree species in the Guianas. The database was compiled by extracting data from 264 published sources. It consists of 21.125 records, of which 19.039 records contain information about 19 different fruit and seed traits belonging to 1.622 different tree species. The other 2.086 records contain information on vertebrate-fruit interactions between 164 vertebrate species and 464 tree species.
Date made available19 Sept 2022
PublisherUtrecht University
Geographical coverageGuyana, Suriname and French Guiana


  • Guianas
  • Guyana
  • Suriname
  • French Guiana
  • fruit traits
  • Frugivory
  • seed dispersal
  • seed predation
  • seed traits

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