Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded colorectal cancer and healthy colonic tissue sample collection 1



Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues from colorectal cancer patients (n=14) and healthy controls (n=13) were obtained from pathology archives for 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The FFPE tissue collection includes n=14 colorectal cancer (CRC), n=14 normal adjacent (ADJ) and n=13 healthy control tissues. DNA extraction negatives consisted of blank (n=3) and water (n=3) controls that were concurrently processed with the tissues. Additional controls consisted of empty paraffin samples (n=6).
Date made available27 Jun 2021
PublisherErasmus University Medical Center


  • Raw sequence reads
  • Multispecies
  • Medical

Accession numbers

  • PRJNA741803

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