Exploring Consumer Behavior Determinants in LMICs_Appendix B_Literature review table



Balancing plant- and animal-based protein consumption is crucial for individual health and environmental well-being. In this systematic literature review, we investigated the behavioral determinants influencing consumption of protein-rich foods (animal-based foods, legumes, and pulses) in low- and lower-middle-income countries. From 1,614 initial studies, 127 were selected for in-depth analysis, extracting article information, study characteristics, and behavioral determinants categorized using the COM-B model and Theoretical Domains Framework. Results showed that most studies included determinants related to motivation (e.g., sensory characteristics, health, and price) and opportunity (e.g., availability and access), with capability less frequently studied. Meat and fish were the most studied food groups, while legumes were less frequently addressed. The vast majority of studies were conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa. These findings highlight the need for more research on the determinants of plant-based protein choices and capability factors to better inform policies and interventions that promote healthy and sustainable food consumption.
Date made available16 Sept 2024
PublisherWageningen University & Research


  • Protein
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Low Income Population
  • Food Choice
  • Assessment of Food Choice Behavior

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