The data is collected through lab-in-field experiments in Denmark, Spain, and Ghana. Participants were initially asked to perform a small effort task (i.e., correctly counting the number of 1’s and 0’s in a page) to earn money and then asked how much of their earnings they would be willing to donate for the conservation of the habitats of a migratory bird species. The bird, the Montagu’s Harrier, is an endangered bird species and migrates from Denmark to Spain to Ghana for wintering and back to Denmark for breeding. Donations were made to BirdLife International, an international non-governmental organization, whose mission it is to conserve birds and their habitats. A total of 720 individuals were invited to participate (i.e., 240 in each country) and 716 participants showed up (i.e., 237 in Denmark, 239 in Spain, and 240 in Ghana). At the end of the experiment, individual socio-demographic characteristics along with donation and environmental preferences were collected.
Date made available | 24 Nov 2022 |
Publisher | University of Copenhagen |
Temporal coverage | Apr 2016 |
Geographical coverage | Denmark, Spain, and Ghana |
- Economics
- Ecological Economics
- Group Collaboration
- Behavioral Economics