Data of: Integration of handheld NIR and machine learning for the development of a “Measure & Monitor” technology for chicken meat authenticity

  • H. Parastar (Creator)
  • G. van Kollenburg (Creator)
  • Yannick Weesepoel (Creator)



    Near Infrared spectroscopy data of chicken meat (fillets) from multiple growth conditions and countries of origin (Netherlands and Ireland). The data was recorded by applying a MicroNIR Pro (Viavi) device equipped with the standard issue collar by applying on the samples in three different ways: (i) directly on the meat, (ii) through the top foil of the package (i.e. with an air pocket between the foil and the breast fillet) and (iii) through the top foil packaging bottom up (i.e. no air pocket between the foil and the breast fillet). Five replicates were recorded per sample.
    Date made available24 Jan 2020
    PublisherRadboud University Nijmegen


    • Analytical Chemistry
    • Spectroscopy
    • Near Infrared Spectroscopy
    • Poultry
    • Chicken Meat

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