Data from: Plant species richness negatively affects root decomposition in grasslands

  • H. Chen (Creator)
  • Liesje Mommer (Creator)
  • Jasper van Ruijven (Creator)
  • H. de Kroon (Creator)
  • C. Fischer (Creator)
  • A. Gessler (Creator)
  • A. Hildebrandt (Creator)
  • M. Scherer-Lorenzen (Creator)
  • C. Wirth (Creator)
  • A. Weigelt (Creator)



This data set contains mass loss of community roots decomposing in the common plot in the Jena experiment in 2014. The Metadata contains the Dataset ID in the Jena Experiment database and detailed information of column: 'plotcode' is plot ID in the Jena Experiment; 'bag_ID' is the ID for litter bags within each decomposition experiment; 'root_type' is the type of roots in the litter bags where plot coded for community roots, lolium coded for standardized roots; 'site' is the location of where decomposition happened; 'sector' is the subplots in common plot; 'mass_initial' is root mass in the litter bags before buried in the field and handling loss is seduced already; 'mass_remain' is root mass in the litter bags at each retrieval; 'date_in' is the exact dates when the litter bags were buried. In the form of DD-MM-YY; 'date_out' is the exact dates when the litter bags were retrieved. In the form of DD-MM-YY; 'actual_decomptime' is the exact days litter bags were in the field; 'massloss' is actual mass loss =100 - mass_remain/mass_initial*100; 'std_decomptime' is standardized days litter bags were in the field; 'std_massloss' is stadardized mass loss = massloss/actual_decomp.time*std_decomp.time.
Date made available2016
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Geographical coverageJena, Germany


  • Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning
  • C:N ratio
  • litter bags
  • microenvironment
  • plant diversity
  • plant functional group
  • plant-soil (below-ground) interactions
  • root substrate quality
  • soil water content
  • the jena experiment

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