Contain all the individual methylation levels per CpG position for assays A-D. Each tab ($data_$assay_$tissuetype) contains the results from one pyrosequence run and one type of tissue (blood or brain). The columns indicate: SampleID: bird sample Note: EEB score, F is Fast exploring, S is Slow exploring Pos. 1 Meth%: Methylation percentage for CpG position 1 in assayB Pos. 2 Meth%: Methylation percentage for CpG position 2 in assayB Etc. Cell colours indicate quality scores In green: highly reliable methylation scores In yellow: reliable methylation scores In pink: unreliable methylation scores (not used in downstream analyses) SampleID with *_replicate indicates that the DNA sample with this number was used in duplo on this plate for within assay analysis.
- epigenetics
- behaviour
- personality
- DNA methylation
- birds