Data and models for paper 'Quantifying aquifer interaction using numerical groundwater flow model evaluated by environmental water tracer data: Application to the data-scarce area of Bandung groundwater basin, West Java, Indonesia'



Data and models used in the paper with the title mentioned above (readme file is available)

The analysis starts with hydrological simulation using the wflow_sbm model, followed by groundwater flow simulation using MODFLOW model, before the figures in the paper are produced
Date made available22 Nov 2023
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Temporal coverage2005 - 2018
Geographical coverageBandung groundwater basin
Geospatial point-6.72, 107.37Show on map


  • aquifer interaction
  • Wflow_sbm
  • environmental water tracer
  • data-scarce area
  • Bandung groundwater basin

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