Data and code associated with the manuscript: Three centuries of snowpack decline at an Alpine pass revealed by cosmogenic paleothermometry and luminescence photochronometry

  • Benny Guralnik (Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (Creator)
  • Marissa Tremblay (Creator)
  • Marcia Phillips (Creator)
  • E.L. Sellwood (Creator)
  • Natacha Gribenski (Creator)
  • Robert Presl (Creator)
  • Anna Haberkorn (Creator)
  • Reza Sohbati (Creator)
  • David L. Shuster (Creator)
  • Pierre G. Valla (Creator)
  • Mayank Jain (Creator)
  • Konrad Schindler (Creator)
  • Jakob Wallinga (Creator)
  • Kristina Hippe (Creator)



This dataset contains the data as well as the Matlab codes needed to reproduce the results in the following manuscript:

Guralnik, B., Tremblay, M.M., Phillips, M., Sellwood, E.L., Gribenski, N., Presl, R., Haberkorn, A., Sohbati, R., Shuster, D.L., Valla, P., Jain, M., Schindler, K., Wallinga, J., and Hippe, K., Three centuries of snowpack decline at an Alpine pass revealed by cosmogenic paleothermometry and luminescence photochronometry.

Briefly, this manuscript presents novel datasets of cosmogenic paleothermometery (quartz He-3) and luminescence photochronometery (feldspar IRSL), whose pairing constrains the temperature and insolation history of three bedrock outcrops at the Gotthard Pass in Switzerland over the last ~15,000 years.

The data include (1) measured concentrations of cosmogenic Be-10, C-14, and He-3 in quartz, (2) stepwise degassing experiments on proton irradiated quartz grains that are used to determine sample-specific He-3 diffusion kinetics, (3) best-fit multiple diffusion domain (MDD) models to the proton-induced He-3 diffusion experiments, (5) Natural radioactivity and calculated feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (ISRL) dose rates, (6) feldspar ISRL depth profiles, and (7) high-resolution microrelief surface scans and analysis.

The code includes scripts necessary to reproduce the figures and results associated with this manuscript. The code is organized by figure into subfolders, and any data needed to reproduce a figure should be included in that folder. All original codes are distributed under the GNU General Public License. Codes written by others and utilized here are redistributed under their original license according to the terms and conditions therein, and are provided in the folder 'external.'

Any questions about original Matlab codes published here should be directed to Benny Guralnik, [email protected]
Date made available30 Dec 2023

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