Information on cetaceans in the Indian Ocean Sanctuary and the South China Sea is summarized from a cruise carried out from 29 March to 17 April 1999. Ten species were positively identified: finless porpoise, pantropical spotted dolphin, spinner dolphin, sperm whale, melon-headed whale, pygmy killer whale, false killer whale, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Bryde’s whale and fin whale. Spotted dolphins, melon-headed and pygmy killer whales were sighted around the Island of Borneo and sightings of fin whales and a sperm whale west of the Balabac Strait suggest a possible migration route of these species between the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea. This is the first record of fin whales in the South China Sea. Purpose: This note details cetacean observations made during a cruise from Mauritius to the Philippines in April (ca 4,520 nautical miles). Supplemental information: Time was not provided, so it was filled with "00:00:00."
Date made available | 2021 |
Publisher | Wageningen University & Research |
Temporal coverage | 30 Mar 1999 - 16 Apr 1999 |
Geographical coverage | Indian Ocean, Asia |
Geospatial polygon | -19.05, 119.5, 13.44, 60.52 |
- Balaenoptera brydei
- Bryde's whale
- Balaenoptera physalus
- Fin whale
- Feresa attenuata
- Pygmy killer whale
- Neophocaena phocaenoides
- Finless porpoise
- Peponocephala electra
- Melon-headed whale
- Physeter macrocephalus
- Sperm whale
- Pseudorca crassidens
- False killer whale
- Stenella attenuata
- Pantropical spotted dolphin
- Stenella longirostris
- Spinner dolphin
- Ziphius cavirostris
- Cuvier's beaked whale