Assessing the impact of diet on the mucosa-adhered microbiomes using comparative analysis of rectal swabs and colon content



In this study, we aim to specifically investigating the mucosa-adhered populations in rectal swabs by comparative microbiota analysis with paired colonic content samples (collected at the same time-point). This allowed us to evaluate the impact of early-life feeding (fibrous-feed supplementation) on the mucosa-adhered microbiota in piglets, particularly taxa such as Escherichia-Shigella which could be relevant especially in the pig industry for tackling post-weaning stress and diarrhoea. More importantly, we evaluate the predictability of the mucosa-adhered population in an individual sample, employing the comparative analysis of paired swab-colon microbiota information from a subset of animals.</p><p>Paired samples of rectal swabs and colon luminal contents were collected from piglets just before weaning during two independent but similarly designed animal experiments.
Date made available27 Oct 2021
PublisherWageningen University & Research


  • Multispecies
  • piglets
  • Escherichia-Shigella

Accession numbers

  • PRJNA775018

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