Data that was used to simulate APSIM-wheat phenotypes of 199 genotypes in 4 Australian locations (Emerald, Merredin, Narrabri, Yanco) during 31 years.The following files are contained in this data set:<b>genoAus199</b><b>.csv </b>contains 4002 SNPs that describe the genetic variation of 199 wheat genotypes <b>mapAus199</b><b>.csv</b> contains the genetic map corresponding to the 4002 SNPs<b>Parameters_D1</b><b>.csv</b> contains the APSIM parameters for each genotype that were used to run the simulations<b>SimulatedData124Envs_Biomass.txt</b> contains the daily phenotypes for each genotype in each of the environments<b>Cov_windows_wide_sowing15May</b><b>.tx</b>t contains environmental covariables. The covariables were calculated for four periods: p1 From emergence to flowering – 300 oCdp2 From flowering – 300 to flowering + 100p3 From flowering + 100 to flowering + 600p4 From flowering + 600 to maturity <br><br>
- wheat
- SNPs
- molecularmarkers