Antennal transcriptome of Aedes aegypti during the first gonotrophic cycle

  • Sharon Rose Hill (Creator)
  • Tanvi Taparia (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (Creator)
  • Rickard Ignell (Creator)



Using a comprehensive transcriptomic approach, we provide insight into the regulation of the odour-mediated host- and oviposition-seeking behaviours throughout the first gonotrophic cycle. We provide clear evidence that the age and state of the female affects antennal transcription differentially. Notably, the temporal- and state-dependent patterns of differential transcript abundance of chemosensory and neuromodulatory genes extends across families, and appears to be linked to concerted differential modulation by subsets of transcription factors.
Date made available8 Dec 2020
PublisherSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU


  • Aedes aegypti
  • Raw sequence reads
  • Multispecies

Accession numbers

  • PRJNA683174

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